I despise public bathrooms. I don't like feeling like I have an audience when I'm trying to relieve myself. I really hate it when people try to talk to me when I'm on the shitter, I just want to yell "Silence! The queen requires quiet when she sits upon the porcelain throne" haha. People think its gross talking on the phone while dropping a deuce, but think its perfectly ok to conversate between the stalls in a public restroom *rolls eyes*.
For me potty time is personal time, I don't want an audience, I don't want to talk, I just want to do my business and leave as soon as possible. I have a shy bladder and the only way I can go in a public bathroom is with headphones in and my eyes closed pretending I'm at home on my own throne. I refuse to dookie in a public restroom, the only way I will poo in a communal bathroom is if I'm on the verge of shitting myself. I know its not healthy to hold it, but I cant help it. My butt clams up when I'm in public.
No matter how good the ventilation system is in the bathroom, if some one is letting loose in the stall next to you, you smell it. I don't like the smell of my own ass why on earth would want to smell someone else's stench?
Its not the sexiest topic, but I need to vent lol