I love butterflies. I think they are beautiful, fragile creatures. I feel like I relate to them in a way. When I was younger I was not as cute as I am now. I had a big forehead, I didn't like to brush my hair, and I wore clothes that were way too big for me. I was like a Butterfly is in its early stages of life, as an ugly caterpillar. Through high school I was very quiet and to myself most of the time but this is where my looks started to blossom (I grew into my forehead haha). I guess this was my cocooned stage. Once I reached college I started to open up and show people how happy and up-beat i really am, and that i am a beautiful person on the inside as well as the outside. I feel like everyday I become a little more confident and little more in tune with who I am.. I would really like a chance to spread my wings and show the world just how beautiful I am, and how much fun I can be
Hoping to be more than an eletronic assembler one day, maybe a SG 

2. You are beautiful, there is no doubt about that.
3. I hope to see more of you, cause I'd like to get to know more about you and all the beautiful things you have to offer