motherfucker..... i still can't master this web-site shit! i had a huge journal entry that got deleted somehow. dammit!
i *was* talking about what a great time i had last wednesday, dressed up like a trollop and all.... it seemed to work w/ the RetroNerd @ least, although it may have been the Schwinn, the Jersey-thang, the dead things, or my love of indigineous (sp?) boobies. perhaps it's my sailor-mouth and charm.
we shall see.
much love to everyone who came over Saturday night. i loved how we got so engrossed in each other that the board games collected dust in the other room, and plans to go out were forgotten.
you (you know who "you" are.) are all invited over again some saturday soon for a better-planned version of the same. (perhaps we'll get to Cranium before the Nerd starts yawning this time.
) it was cool having people in my house. i don't usually like anyone enough to let them into my personal space.
so... sunday morning, after a red-hot 4 hours of sleep saturday night... i woke to the sounds of shouting meat-heads getting their drink on at 9am downstairs at the Diesel Lounge. lovely. happy st. pat's!!
so, up i got. dressed. went to pick up Pam (see: current crush), grabbed some egg sandwiches, and headed over to my friend D's house for my own early-morning drunken debauchery. by 11am, about a dozen of my favorite peeps & i were all neck-deep in mimosas and irish cider & such.
we herded our sorry asses to the parade by 1pm-ish. (it is sooooo weird to be loaded during the daytime, walking amongst green-hatted, green-painted doofuses blowing whistles. my god.)
my crush-girl, much to my displeasure, traded away my beverages while i waited in the world's longest (drunkest) potty-line at the Anchor. (who on earth swaps Magners for Miller High Life! was she out of her fucking mind!?!?!)
it was like being at the zoo... with all the cages open. by the time i got back, buzz gone from all the aggravation, i have no cider to drink, and could find none to purchase. i could have killed her.
it was 1pm....
by 3pm, our drunken motley crew staggers forth to Rudy's, where, naturally, they also have no cider. perfect.
i switch to vodka to dull the agony of watching the hot-girl (fast becoming the un-hot girl, mind you, as i have a particular distaste for sloppy drunks....) start freaky-dancing with everything that moved in Rudy's. incidentally, between the time i got to the parade and Rudy's, i've now been propositioned at LEAST a dozen times, groped frequently, and heard probably thirty-some-odd slurred come-ons. i stop worrying that formerly-hot-girl is going to get herself in trouble, and barricade myself into a comfy corner, where, even there, i am not safe from the masses. by 5pm i'm sick of people touching me, spilling shit on me, asking me why Pam's dancing onstage, and trying to get me home with them. i start counting the seconds until Mike shows up. (he was due at around 6.)
6pm- i'm avoiding fights, sex with strangers, and the formerly-hot-girl. i'm busy shoveling the dregs of my friends i started drinking with this morning into cabs, and making sure everyone is accounted for. there are now 2 guys dressed like pirates arguing over who gets to take home my ex-crush. i still have no cider, and Mike is late. there are STILL two dudes trying to fuck me who haven't gotten the hint after two hours.
6:02pm: ex-crush-girl drags me into the pirate argument with a sloppy "you're the only one taking me home, right?" as she bats her dilated pupils in my general direction. i call her a cab.
one of the two idiots without a clue comes over and puts his arm around me...again. i scream "no touching!" for about the fortieth time today.
6:07pm: Mike shows up, scattering the two clueless assholes like roaches when the lights come on. one of the assholes decides battling for Pam may be a surer bet, and joins the pirates in a quest for her panties.
6:09pm: two OTHER dudes join the take-the-drunk-girl-home-a-thon. they are dressed like leprechauns. this is starting to get too surreal, even for me.
thankfully, no one is trying to grope me anymore, or even talk to me, as i am standing next to an imposing looking gorilla-of-a-man with his arm around me who looks like he'd kill anyone who approaches. Mike and I are now in fucking hysterics, waiting to throw Pam into a cab and absolve ourselves of further responsibility.
6:15pm- her cab shows up, and THREE of the FIVE guys surrounding her try and walk her to the cab, jockeying for position like it's the goddamned kentucky derby. unreal. Mike and I intervene one last time, and finally, i'm safe to get the fuck out of there.
and how was YOU'RE st. patrick's day?!?!?

i *was* talking about what a great time i had last wednesday, dressed up like a trollop and all.... it seemed to work w/ the RetroNerd @ least, although it may have been the Schwinn, the Jersey-thang, the dead things, or my love of indigineous (sp?) boobies. perhaps it's my sailor-mouth and charm.

much love to everyone who came over Saturday night. i loved how we got so engrossed in each other that the board games collected dust in the other room, and plans to go out were forgotten.
you (you know who "you" are.) are all invited over again some saturday soon for a better-planned version of the same. (perhaps we'll get to Cranium before the Nerd starts yawning this time.

so... sunday morning, after a red-hot 4 hours of sleep saturday night... i woke to the sounds of shouting meat-heads getting their drink on at 9am downstairs at the Diesel Lounge. lovely. happy st. pat's!!

so, up i got. dressed. went to pick up Pam (see: current crush), grabbed some egg sandwiches, and headed over to my friend D's house for my own early-morning drunken debauchery. by 11am, about a dozen of my favorite peeps & i were all neck-deep in mimosas and irish cider & such.
we herded our sorry asses to the parade by 1pm-ish. (it is sooooo weird to be loaded during the daytime, walking amongst green-hatted, green-painted doofuses blowing whistles. my god.)
my crush-girl, much to my displeasure, traded away my beverages while i waited in the world's longest (drunkest) potty-line at the Anchor. (who on earth swaps Magners for Miller High Life! was she out of her fucking mind!?!?!)
it was like being at the zoo... with all the cages open. by the time i got back, buzz gone from all the aggravation, i have no cider to drink, and could find none to purchase. i could have killed her.

by 3pm, our drunken motley crew staggers forth to Rudy's, where, naturally, they also have no cider. perfect.
i switch to vodka to dull the agony of watching the hot-girl (fast becoming the un-hot girl, mind you, as i have a particular distaste for sloppy drunks....) start freaky-dancing with everything that moved in Rudy's. incidentally, between the time i got to the parade and Rudy's, i've now been propositioned at LEAST a dozen times, groped frequently, and heard probably thirty-some-odd slurred come-ons. i stop worrying that formerly-hot-girl is going to get herself in trouble, and barricade myself into a comfy corner, where, even there, i am not safe from the masses. by 5pm i'm sick of people touching me, spilling shit on me, asking me why Pam's dancing onstage, and trying to get me home with them. i start counting the seconds until Mike shows up. (he was due at around 6.)
6pm- i'm avoiding fights, sex with strangers, and the formerly-hot-girl. i'm busy shoveling the dregs of my friends i started drinking with this morning into cabs, and making sure everyone is accounted for. there are now 2 guys dressed like pirates arguing over who gets to take home my ex-crush. i still have no cider, and Mike is late. there are STILL two dudes trying to fuck me who haven't gotten the hint after two hours.
6:02pm: ex-crush-girl drags me into the pirate argument with a sloppy "you're the only one taking me home, right?" as she bats her dilated pupils in my general direction. i call her a cab.
one of the two idiots without a clue comes over and puts his arm around me...again. i scream "no touching!" for about the fortieth time today.
6:07pm: Mike shows up, scattering the two clueless assholes like roaches when the lights come on. one of the assholes decides battling for Pam may be a surer bet, and joins the pirates in a quest for her panties.
6:09pm: two OTHER dudes join the take-the-drunk-girl-home-a-thon. they are dressed like leprechauns. this is starting to get too surreal, even for me.
thankfully, no one is trying to grope me anymore, or even talk to me, as i am standing next to an imposing looking gorilla-of-a-man with his arm around me who looks like he'd kill anyone who approaches. Mike and I are now in fucking hysterics, waiting to throw Pam into a cab and absolve ourselves of further responsibility.
6:15pm- her cab shows up, and THREE of the FIVE guys surrounding her try and walk her to the cab, jockeying for position like it's the goddamned kentucky derby. unreal. Mike and I intervene one last time, and finally, i'm safe to get the fuck out of there.

and how was YOU'RE st. patrick's day?!?!?

Fucking amazing. Deliverance