Ok, so here's last weekend's goings-on with Miss ToriBell and myself.
TB agrees to do a non-SG fancy nude gallery shoot with me on Sunday.
TB arrives at my photographer's (who is hopelessly sweet, hilarious and adorable, and happend to be my boyfriend) house early Sat evening (I am already at the bar, as I was trashed hours before TB's arrival, probably by one or so on Sat. Said photographer does not drink and went home to fetch her).
TB and photog arrive at bar, where I am even more wasted and catching up with an old girlfriend, and we all proceed to get even more wasted.
Said girlfriend leaves, leaving just myself, TB, and photog at the bar. Again, must reiterate- photographer does not drink.
We leave bar. We go home. Sexy stuff happens, especially with TB and myself. Leave the rest to your imagination.
I wake up next to TB. Her hair is wet and she's in a towel. I am naked. I am hungover. I am confused.
I walk out of the bedroom. Potted plants are knocked over. A screen is missing from the porch. Porch door is open. Chex Mix is scattered all over the entire floor. An entire GIANT Hershey bar, previously untouched, is gone with its sad, lonely wrapper sitting on the kitchen counter.
We all get up, go to Einstein's pre-shoot and over coffee and bagels try to piece together the happenings of the evening that Hurricane TB caused, while TB and I are still starry eyed over our girly love night.
This is what we came up with:
Sexy time ends. Photographer and Amaye go to sleep.
TB does not. She communes with nature and leaves massive destruction in her path.
TB run around photographer's front and backyard naked (and at some point sleeps in hammock) between the hours of about 2:30 and 5am.
Photographer wakes up at 5am and notices he is one redhead short. Probably because he doesn't drink. I slept through the whole thing.
He walks around house, all doors are open, finally goes outside to his backyard, yells for the missing redhead, who comes bounding naked through the yard like it's Christmas morning.
Apparently all the communing with nature requires showers afterwards, explaining the wet hair and towel and coming full circle to the morning.
And we haven't even shot yet. Our hangovers are bad. We are sleepy. But we are determined. We go to a construction site on the intercoastal. Very peaceful. We put vodka in TB's coffee and in my soda, thinking it will help said hangovers. Luckily, vodka bottle was left in car.
TB and I take off clothes for shoot after breaking into construction site.
This will be a big house. Clothes stay on the first floor, we make it up to the third.
We are on the last shot and hear footsteps coming up the stairs.
It is a cop.
He actually asked "What are you folks doing?" To me, it seemed pretty obvious- two girls posing with nothing on but heels and jewelry and a photographer taking pictures, camera in hand. But we answer anyway.
"A photo shoot."
Well, obviously he starts droning on and on about felonies and trespassing and public indecency as TB and I scramble back downstairs to put on clothes to prevent this pervy cop to get any more looks at our goods.
We get dressed. Well, kind of. My underwear from that day are still missing.
Cop takes us to the neighbors driveway (haven't figured out why yet), both who come outside and go "Hey, what'd these three do?" Can't remember the stupid answer given.
Cop starts repeating himself about felonies and trespassing as he runs our names for warrants. It has become obvious we are not going to be arrested.
His bitchy partner shows up and they are, for all intents and purposes, laughing at us the whole time.
Cop lectures us and lets us go.
I tell him to have a nice day.
Bitch neighbor lady tells him to arrest me for having a bad attitude. But I was serious when I said that, because I didn't want to have to call Daddy to bail me out for taking nakie pics..
We go back to car. We drive to Publix, get wine and sushi. We eat. TB eats her sushi with chocolate milk (it's all in the details, people).
TB and I take snuggly, naked nap, we wake up, we drink wine laying in the grass in the backyard, naked. Clothes have become very superflous at this point.
And that's pretty much it. I'm sure I'm forgetting something, so ToriBell can chime in anytime.
Funny quotes from the near-incarceration:
TB does not have her ID with her (Photographer and I do).
Cop to TB: "When I run your name, will you have clothes on in your picture?"
TB to cop (after much cute giggling) "Um, yes."
Cop to photographer:
'I don't know what you think you're doing out here"
Photographer to cop:
"Well, I'm a professional photographer, and I was---"
Cop cuts off photographer:
'You're not impressing me."
(But he just asked!)
Neighbor lady to no one in particular as we were sitting in her driveway:
"My dog does not take kindly to strangers. Especially men."
Okay, my fingers hurt from typing, but we've had a couple requests for the story so there you have it. I think. At least part of it. Most of it. Whatever...

ETA: Pics that go with the story. The site of our near-incarceration (I'll put more in an album):

TB agrees to do a non-SG fancy nude gallery shoot with me on Sunday.
TB arrives at my photographer's (who is hopelessly sweet, hilarious and adorable, and happend to be my boyfriend) house early Sat evening (I am already at the bar, as I was trashed hours before TB's arrival, probably by one or so on Sat. Said photographer does not drink and went home to fetch her).
TB and photog arrive at bar, where I am even more wasted and catching up with an old girlfriend, and we all proceed to get even more wasted.
Said girlfriend leaves, leaving just myself, TB, and photog at the bar. Again, must reiterate- photographer does not drink.
We leave bar. We go home. Sexy stuff happens, especially with TB and myself. Leave the rest to your imagination.
I wake up next to TB. Her hair is wet and she's in a towel. I am naked. I am hungover. I am confused.
I walk out of the bedroom. Potted plants are knocked over. A screen is missing from the porch. Porch door is open. Chex Mix is scattered all over the entire floor. An entire GIANT Hershey bar, previously untouched, is gone with its sad, lonely wrapper sitting on the kitchen counter.
We all get up, go to Einstein's pre-shoot and over coffee and bagels try to piece together the happenings of the evening that Hurricane TB caused, while TB and I are still starry eyed over our girly love night.
This is what we came up with:
Sexy time ends. Photographer and Amaye go to sleep.
TB does not. She communes with nature and leaves massive destruction in her path.
TB run around photographer's front and backyard naked (and at some point sleeps in hammock) between the hours of about 2:30 and 5am.
Photographer wakes up at 5am and notices he is one redhead short. Probably because he doesn't drink. I slept through the whole thing.
He walks around house, all doors are open, finally goes outside to his backyard, yells for the missing redhead, who comes bounding naked through the yard like it's Christmas morning.
Apparently all the communing with nature requires showers afterwards, explaining the wet hair and towel and coming full circle to the morning.
And we haven't even shot yet. Our hangovers are bad. We are sleepy. But we are determined. We go to a construction site on the intercoastal. Very peaceful. We put vodka in TB's coffee and in my soda, thinking it will help said hangovers. Luckily, vodka bottle was left in car.
TB and I take off clothes for shoot after breaking into construction site.
This will be a big house. Clothes stay on the first floor, we make it up to the third.
We are on the last shot and hear footsteps coming up the stairs.
It is a cop.
He actually asked "What are you folks doing?" To me, it seemed pretty obvious- two girls posing with nothing on but heels and jewelry and a photographer taking pictures, camera in hand. But we answer anyway.
"A photo shoot."
Well, obviously he starts droning on and on about felonies and trespassing and public indecency as TB and I scramble back downstairs to put on clothes to prevent this pervy cop to get any more looks at our goods.
We get dressed. Well, kind of. My underwear from that day are still missing.
Cop takes us to the neighbors driveway (haven't figured out why yet), both who come outside and go "Hey, what'd these three do?" Can't remember the stupid answer given.
Cop starts repeating himself about felonies and trespassing as he runs our names for warrants. It has become obvious we are not going to be arrested.
His bitchy partner shows up and they are, for all intents and purposes, laughing at us the whole time.
Cop lectures us and lets us go.
I tell him to have a nice day.
Bitch neighbor lady tells him to arrest me for having a bad attitude. But I was serious when I said that, because I didn't want to have to call Daddy to bail me out for taking nakie pics..
We go back to car. We drive to Publix, get wine and sushi. We eat. TB eats her sushi with chocolate milk (it's all in the details, people).
TB and I take snuggly, naked nap, we wake up, we drink wine laying in the grass in the backyard, naked. Clothes have become very superflous at this point.
And that's pretty much it. I'm sure I'm forgetting something, so ToriBell can chime in anytime.
Funny quotes from the near-incarceration:
TB does not have her ID with her (Photographer and I do).
Cop to TB: "When I run your name, will you have clothes on in your picture?"
TB to cop (after much cute giggling) "Um, yes."
Cop to photographer:
'I don't know what you think you're doing out here"
Photographer to cop:
"Well, I'm a professional photographer, and I was---"
Cop cuts off photographer:
'You're not impressing me."
(But he just asked!)
Neighbor lady to no one in particular as we were sitting in her driveway:
"My dog does not take kindly to strangers. Especially men."
Okay, my fingers hurt from typing, but we've had a couple requests for the story so there you have it. I think. At least part of it. Most of it. Whatever...

ETA: Pics that go with the story. The site of our near-incarceration (I'll put more in an album):

Looks like a blast......Happy Birthday!
Happy New Year