Summer in the Czech Republic is amazing. We had one of the longest winters ever this year, lucky me to be here for it. It really makes you appreciate summer. So far, this summer I've been to a spa town, went on a 2-day canoeing trip, a 4-day cycling trip in Czech Canada and to the Austrian border, and this weekend to a cottage in Bohemia and hiking in Czech Switzerland. Picking fresh blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and cherries from their respective bushes/trees/vines. Amazing. Hot during the day, cool at night, and long, long nights. Out in the country on Friday, at 4am, the moon was nearly full and the sun was rising in the east. It was great. We roasted a whole pig on a spit all day saturday and finished off 2 kegs of the best beer in the world, Pilsner Urquell. All you vegans and vegetarians out there can just fuck off if you take offence. It looked gross, but that pig was damn good. Too many joints to count, good games of frisbee, football (soccer), and swinging from a 5meter-high tree swing. Pumping water from a well, using an outhouse, fantasticky! (pronounced: fan-tas-titsky.) I love it here.
More Blogs
Wednesday Oct 27, 2004
three days till I get to pass out gummy fangs to the little drooling … -
Saturday Oct 23, 2004
It's been a long and busy week. Made it to the gym 2 whole times, an… -
Monday Oct 18, 2004
I finally did it! I've been saying it for months, many, many months.… -
Monday Oct 18, 2004
Monday is approaching. It's getting colder outside. I'm going to ha… -
Saturday Oct 16, 2004
Update on the girls: fewer fleas and there is progress with the fount… -
Wednesday Oct 13, 2004
Majka has fleas. Both she and Bella will be receiving flea baths ton… -
Monday Oct 11, 2004
The problem with only going to the grocery store once a month is that… -
Friday Oct 08, 2004
it's friday. i love my new haircut. it's nice to hear it pouring ou… -
Thursday Oct 07, 2004
I just got home from watching Nixon and the Cherry Tarts.… -
Monday Oct 04, 2004
I am sick. I just got Pho. It is pho-so-good edit to clarify …