Hey ladies!
I'd love to get a shootfest in the works for early March 2017 in a central location (I'm located in Raleigh but am thinking Richmond Area?) Who would be interested? I've attached some of my favorite shots and you can see my sets in my profile ;)
(SG models :: @maudlin, @roxas, @squidgie)
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So, I tried to change my user name. It didn't work. When I first joined this site I just picked a name, and it happened to be the name of my business (www.jplordphotography.com) because I joined as an SGHopeful Photographer. But after some time, and some consideration, I wanted to change my name. Mostly because I wanted my profile to reflect my personality...
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Is anyone else having problems linking their IG profile with their SG one? I keep getting an error message :(
Guys, (and ladies)
My first official SG hopeful shoot goes into MR in just four days! Thats crazy right? It took For. Ev. Er. To get here and now its here. So go show some love to my girl @maudlin and make her pink.