Well, it's over. I got fired. Supposedly because of my attitude problem. Complete bull-shit. The only person there I didn't get along with was Nick, the GM who fired me. I liked the servers, I liked the kitchen people, and I liked all the other managers. I wish I had the energy to relay what exactly this asshole did over the past 4 months, but I'm too fucking pissed. One example - after I left yesterday, I called him back up and said 'Why the fuck didn't you call me and tell me not to bother coming in, rather than have me drive 40 fucking minutes and waste my time/money/miles?' His answer was 'I didn't know you were coming in. I didn't check the schedule when I got in this morning.' So I said 'You're telling me that when you come in, you don't check to see who you're managing on any particular day??' And he said 'Yeah, I'm not perfect.' No fucking kidding. I'm so pissed I could kill him.
great music taste !
How have you been doing lately??