Tomorrow I am going down to Anglesea, which is on the beach in Victoria, for a big rover camp called Surfmoot. My boyfriend is coming down the next day, so I'm bunking in with a friend Adam, who he is convinved I am fooling around with (but im not!) for the night. I sent my boy a message saying, by the way, I'm sleeping with Adam tomorrow night, and I've been waiting for a response, but I think he's probably not too happy. Hell, I mean I'm actually sleeping, as in platonically, but still. I have discovered that it can be really fun to bait people, especially when they go away and you havent seen them in over two weeks... If he wants to worry, he can, and we'll see if he has a jealous bone in his body, as he always claims not to! At the very least it will be entertaining.
I guess that I can be a bitch at times. Meh. His turn to be insecure.
I guess that I can be a bitch at times. Meh. His turn to be insecure.
Please pretty please