Well my New Year's resolution, aside from losing weight and getting fit as usual, was to be healthy ie. not end up in hospital again, aside from scheduled surgery in June involving breaking my jaw and relocating it 7mm forward. However, such was not to be and but 5 days into the new year I found myself once more in the Emergency department at the...
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Best thing ever, my boyfriend and I are going overseas in 17 days! Not that I'm counting, of course. We're off to Vietnam and Thailand for a month, only a month unfortunately but it shall be one AWESOME month damnit! So I've been buying all sorts of useful things like a pretty new camera (which I now need to learn to use) and the associated...
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OK, so I've been really lazy about updating this.
Anyway, latest thrilling news from my life is that I ended up in Emergency on Saturday night just for fun, and on Sunday they decided that my gallbladder didn't really need to live in my body and chopped it out just after midnight. Even keyhole surgery is a killer though. So I have 4 little cuts,...
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Anyway, latest thrilling news from my life is that I ended up in Emergency on Saturday night just for fun, and on Sunday they decided that my gallbladder didn't really need to live in my body and chopped it out just after midnight. Even keyhole surgery is a killer though. So I have 4 little cuts,...
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Jeez. Hope you're doing better. I think peeps often assume that medicos know what they're doing. And I think about half the time it just ain't so. Yay for good boy/girlfriends. They're few and far between

poor angry car
This is kind of scary. The last few weeks, I have had about twelve people come up to me and say they have seen my glamour shots all over Victoria. So I know that they've gone up in Victoria at least. Then yesterday I got a message from a mate in Brisbane to say that my photos are up there as well. Unfortunately the 'before'...
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they obviously liked the pic enough to stick your face around the place! they should have asked you though. but take it as a compliment and 15 minutes of fame

Well, the Poison Ivy costume was rather a success, as were the boots that I made for Matt and Hayley, who were being booted from Rovers. I'll upload photos later, for they are rather pretty if i may say so myself. I managed to become reasonably intoxicated, which was lovely, although it did result in dancing to tremendously awful music.
Managed to basically fuck up...
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Managed to basically fuck up...
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Argh! Way too much overdue uni work for my liking. So instead of doing it, I'm tryingt to make a Poison Ivy costume that will probably look ridiculous, but gotta go as something! I have a Superheroes and Supervillains party on saturday... An excuse to dye my hair bright, bright red!
Poison Ivy is a Goddess 

Great. By telling my best friends boyfriend/ boyfriend's best friend (yes, complicated) to stop grabbing my ass (and messaging my best friend to get her to tell him not to (because he doesnt listen to me or adam) apparently I have fucked things up and caused a week worth of fights. I didnt intend for that to happen, but I'm really sick of hime grabbing...
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Thank you for commenting on my set

Emo grass....I just couldn't help but laugh at that! Thanks for the comment on my set! I'm glad you liked it

OK, so I haven't updated in a while!
Went away over Easter, scout activity Hoadley. The stunt we ran, 'Shit I've Been kidnapped By a Colombian Druglord' was fairly successful. Unfortunately, Wombat State Park was about the wettest place in Victoria. Which is all good when you are warm in a tent with a nice boy, but for the times when you aren't... It's always...
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Went away over Easter, scout activity Hoadley. The stunt we ran, 'Shit I've Been kidnapped By a Colombian Druglord' was fairly successful. Unfortunately, Wombat State Park was about the wettest place in Victoria. Which is all good when you are warm in a tent with a nice boy, but for the times when you aren't... It's always...
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That sounds like a great time you had there.... If a little wet. Still wish I could get away for a little while.... ahhh. oh well, sod it 

Hmm...A lot has happened in the last week and very little at the same time. Last Thursday i took Adam to the Hifi Bar to see the suicidegirls show, it was awesome. I really enjoyed it and I am sure that he did too. He said he did, and that's what counts!
On Saturday I had yet another 21st, thankfully didnt have to make a...
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On Saturday I had yet another 21st, thankfully didnt have to make a...
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I'll take the best of your bad moods and dress them up to make a better you,
'cause all the company calls amount to one paycheck.
Set your sights to sink the partyline, 'cause it's so tired.
Set your sights! destroy this mock-shrine, 'cause it's so tired.
'cause all the company calls amount to one paycheck.
Set your sights to sink the partyline, 'cause it's so tired.
Set your sights! destroy this mock-shrine, 'cause it's so tired.