My tattoos tell a little about my story and phases of my life until today, and so I will make this blog saying a little about my main tattoos
My first tattoo I made in 2018, I was determined to perform it, I chose to make an anchor with a compass on my leg because and the leg we use to get around and means a lot, the compass was used to show the direction to navigators in the past and the anchor used to settle in a place and it represents that I would choose my path and stay on it, but what about that, regardless of the situation I will always find a direction, and this describes me why I often felt lost in not knowing which direction to go until I found myself, and since then I have been adding more arts to my body.
Here’s a picture of how the tattoo turned out later 🥰
In my second blog I tell you about a tribute I paid to my older cat, this was one of the tattoos that marked me too, I love animals and this cat has been with me from my childhood to today.
At a delicate stage of my life last year I tattooed two very important words under the rib
On the right side FREEDOM and on the left side COURAGE is very important to me!
Because freedom without courage paralyzes us, and courage with freedom drives us.
And this courage I have been acquiring more and more getting rid of everything that imprisons me and does me not do me good, and I continue to find the freedom I have always wanted to be who I want to be, and do what I want, prioritizing myself and putting myself first!
The last tattoo I made last month is very recent and with a huge meaning for me also complementing the writings I have tattooed on my rib, this last tattoo was on my arm as you can see and a woman asking for silence and above her has a phoenix, it represents me, because in recent months I have really lived so many things that have made me reborn like the phoenix and this has made me stronger, for me happy I had to silence the judgments of others, everything that does not add to me I also do not want for myself, so I stopped caring, I became sovereign and I feel ready to fly like a phoenix, living the now and in humans we are in a constant evolution and this is being mine these days!
I hope you enjoy this reading 💕💕💕💕
See you next time 💕🥳