I want this blog to represent all cats, such a cute animal that only makes us feel good and that so manu people love!
Today on world cat day, I came to talk about one of my passions. "The cats" I love animals more especially cats make my heart beat faster, I'm already 5 cats, the oldest is 11 years old, his name Madruga and he was the inspiration for my 2 tattoo a few years ago, it didn't take long for me to want to do it this tribute to him, since he's a cat that's been with me since I was a kid, after I got this tattoo some people asked if Madruga had passes away, and I hated those questions because people always have the Idea of honoring someone only after that person pra animal is gone. And I think it's wrong, we have to show how much we love people and animals while they're alive, so they can ser and feel all this love, so I honor everyone I love, HERE AND NOW ❤️❤️❤️❤️