Well I am now officially homeless! Sofa surfin' at friends houses so unfortunately I'm not online an awful lot at the moment as my computer is not set up anywhere, so appologies if it takes me a while to reply to messages and stuff. I had a wicked time in Sheffield and have been thinking of moving up there very soon. jamiebond was a totally awesome host, we did loads of cool stuff, we went swimming at Ponds Forge - water slides are totally awesome!
We also went out to Fuel and Speed Queen. I had a totally wicked time and made a few new friends in Sheffield! 


Thankyou for the add. Hope you find somewhere to live soon, i know how depressing it can be moving around all the time with no fixed place to call home xxx

stoke is great on a budget, hell you can buy a house here for the cost of a cheap second hand car! my bike is worth more than the house i live in! an iv gotta sell them both to buy my harley!