Yay! My sister has just been round to see me, and she bought me some more parafin so I can go play with my fire poi in the garden. Its not really dark enough yet, so I think I'm gonna go bake some cakes and then go outside to spin my poi. I'll try and add some pics up on this blog entry later 
Hmmmmm what cake shall I bake today.....
I decided to make lemon fairy cakes, they are in the oven now
I'll photograph them when they are done...

Lemon Fairy Cakes
4oz (100g) soft margerine
4oz (100g) caster sugar
2 eggs
4oz (100g) self raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
grated rind of 1 lemon
For the icing:
8oz (225g) icing sugar
juice of 1 lemon
yellow food colouring
Pre-heat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6. Place about 18 paper cases in to cake tins. Mix all ingredients together in a bowl until well blended and smooth. Spoon the mixture into the paper cases, they should be about half full. Bake in the oven for 15-20 mins. Lift cakes out and leave to cool on a wire rack. To make the icing gradually blend the icing sugar and lemon juice together until you have fairly stiff icing. Spoon over the top of the cakes. You can decorate with fancy sweets if you wish!
Right I'm gonna go play with some fire and see if my housemate is about to photograph me!
This is the first time anyone has used my camera to photograph fire poi so they are not great but I'm sure our photos will get better or I'll have to get hold of a better camera so I can catch the trails from the flames. Anyway here are some photos of me spinning fire earlier...

Hmmmmm what cake shall I bake today.....
I decided to make lemon fairy cakes, they are in the oven now

Lemon Fairy Cakes
4oz (100g) soft margerine
4oz (100g) caster sugar
2 eggs
4oz (100g) self raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
grated rind of 1 lemon
For the icing:
8oz (225g) icing sugar
juice of 1 lemon
yellow food colouring
Pre-heat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6. Place about 18 paper cases in to cake tins. Mix all ingredients together in a bowl until well blended and smooth. Spoon the mixture into the paper cases, they should be about half full. Bake in the oven for 15-20 mins. Lift cakes out and leave to cool on a wire rack. To make the icing gradually blend the icing sugar and lemon juice together until you have fairly stiff icing. Spoon over the top of the cakes. You can decorate with fancy sweets if you wish!
Right I'm gonna go play with some fire and see if my housemate is about to photograph me!

This is the first time anyone has used my camera to photograph fire poi so they are not great but I'm sure our photos will get better or I'll have to get hold of a better camera so I can catch the trails from the flames. Anyway here are some photos of me spinning fire earlier...

And the fire poi looks awesome. If you ever see a recipe for wheat free cake, let me know please?
wanna have one right now!!!!!