Hearts and roses and kisses galore,
What the hell is all that shit for?
People get mushy and start acting queer,
It is definitely the most annoying day of the year.
This day needs to get the hell over with and pass,
Before I shove something up Cupid's ass.
I'll spend the day so drunk I can't speak
And wear black for the rest of...
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What the hell is all that shit for?
People get mushy and start acting queer,
It is definitely the most annoying day of the year.
This day needs to get the hell over with and pass,
Before I shove something up Cupid's ass.
I'll spend the day so drunk I can't speak
And wear black for the rest of...
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Happy New Year Everyone!
I've finally got my computer back, so should be online a bit more!
Everything in Sheffield has been going really well, I now work for Rocky Horrors, an alternative clothing shop in Sheffield. Basically I look after Rocky Horrors Website and sort out all the internet sales, although I sometimes work in the shop. I am still Pole Dancing and...
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I've finally got my computer back, so should be online a bit more!
Everything in Sheffield has been going really well, I now work for Rocky Horrors, an alternative clothing shop in Sheffield. Basically I look after Rocky Horrors Website and sort out all the internet sales, although I sometimes work in the shop. I am still Pole Dancing and...
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Pole dancing? I remember I used to do some amateur pole dancing in a club...I was drunk and looked a tit, but my friends loved it 

that's awesome! good luck with the website 

Right well I have a little bit of time online today so I am gonna try and reply to as many messages as possible, and let you all know how things have been going...
I mentioned before that I am working for Corporation Nightclub in Sheffield. I do bar work, flyering and I am also a Corporation Cheerleader/PoleDancer! I Love it, its so much fun,...
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I mentioned before that I am working for Corporation Nightclub in Sheffield. I do bar work, flyering and I am also a Corporation Cheerleader/PoleDancer! I Love it, its so much fun,...
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I miss AminitaVirosa
Although these pics are still hot and make me slightly excited hehhehe
Miss you hope to here from you soon

Although these pics are still hot and make me slightly excited hehhehe
Miss you hope to here from you soon
Happy New Year

Well I am now living in Sheffield although most of my stuff is still down South! I miss my computer so much
I can't wait till I have some money then I can arrange getting all my stuff up here. Sorry I've been a bit rubbish at replying to everyones messages and comments but the lack of computer really don't help! In fact it's driving...
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I can't wait till I have some money then I can arrange getting all my stuff up here. Sorry I've been a bit rubbish at replying to everyones messages and comments but the lack of computer really don't help! In fact it's driving...
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Hey Kitten
so glad ya enjoying it up north.... I'm only an hour or so away if you fancy a night out give me a shout!!! Look after yourself

so glad ya enjoying it up north.... I'm only an hour or so away if you fancy a night out give me a shout!!! Look after yourself
Us southereners will miss you 

Well I have pretty much decided to move up North to Sheffield. I currently live in Portsmouth on the South coast so it's a long way to move, but I have loved the time I have spent in Sheffield, and can see lots of new opportunities there and I'd be a fool not to take them! I'm gonna miss all my friends here - but...
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You moved yet then?

Welcome to the midlands young lady
Hope you get reunited with technology very soon

Hope you get reunited with technology very soon

Well I am now officially homeless! Sofa surfin' at friends houses so unfortunately I'm not online an awful lot at the moment as my computer is not set up anywhere, so appologies if it takes me a while to reply to messages and stuff. I had a wicked time in Sheffield and have been thinking of moving up there very soon. jamiebond was a totally...
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Thankyou for the add. Hope you find somewhere to live soon, i know how depressing it can be moving around all the time with no fixed place to call home xxx

stoke is great on a budget, hell you can buy a house here for the cost of a cheap second hand car! my bike is worth more than the house i live in! an iv gotta sell them both to buy my harley!
I love the red hair. It's awesome!
thought you had left us when ya went grey for a while

Well I think the moral of the story is don't drink stella and challenge your male friends (who are bigger and probably stronger than you) to arm wrestles!
Today I spent ages up at the hospital because my wrist is swollen and painful, they said I've strained it or something and I have to take painkillers and rest it for at least a few days,...
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Today I spent ages up at the hospital because my wrist is swollen and painful, they said I've strained it or something and I have to take painkillers and rest it for at least a few days,...
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Oh and thanks so much for voting for me!
Take it you got ur membership sorted?? hows the wrist?
Where did you find the crazy Alice pictures, coz they rock, and could be useful for a project im working on
Cj x
Where did you find the crazy Alice pictures, coz they rock, and could be useful for a project im working on
Cj x
Well so much for getting evicted on Saturday - nobody has turned up to kick us out yet lol
Just as well 'cause I haven't managed to move all my stuff out yet. I've been stressing out because I didn't think I was gonna get my stuff out in time but I don't think thats gonna be a problem now
The landlord has even left...
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hello there....thanx for the add btw. that sucks u gotta be evicted....but yey for free t'internet, might aswell stay till ur smoked out cos nothing quite beats ur own bed.
Thanks for the friendship request thingy. A new friend, always a good thing
I hope things go well with moving out. Sounds like the current situation of your own bed and the internet is pretty damn good!

I hope things go well with moving out. Sounds like the current situation of your own bed and the internet is pretty damn good!
Well aside from the fact we get evicted in a few days, things have been looking up a bit. I've managed to move half of my belongings out and store them, still got some more to do but I'm getting there, just hope I can find enough friends houses and places to store everything until things get sorted.
My pole dancing lesson on tuesday went...
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My pole dancing lesson on tuesday went...
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okayy now im horriblyy hungry from readin that haha aww man..if only i had some of those rite noww....
sorrry 4 the late reply and i suckk mucho wit myspace...i hav 2 try n b better with that..i shall thats nxt on my 2 do list...hmmm howz ur summer been soo far?? goood i hope
speak 2 ya soon

speak 2 ya soon
Yum, those cakes look gooood! Can I have some? he he.
Ah, I seem to have missed your birthday by a considerable margin. Sorry