I like to watch football when I'm sick or lonley... It's comforting.
Watching Bob Ross paint is like therapy.
I think I'm a cowboy cause I drink whiskey.
I shave my arms and the tops of my toes.
I can lick my elbow.
Waking up alone when I fell asleep with someone in the room causes me to have panic attacks.
I hate to sleep alone.
I carry a shot glass in my purse.
I have more photos of myself than anyone else.
I'm self centered.
I'm jealous.
Reading Confucious will make you feel like the worst person in the world.
True inner peace is having the patience to completly dry your hands under the air dryer.
I pick up on other peoples verbal tendencies.I'm not trying to talk like you, it just happens.
My thumb nail is really deformed and I hope it stays that way.
I was always in the dumb kid class for math.
But I can read better than you.
I view others emotions as beauty.
I view mine as weakness.
I'll listen to your life story.Even if you won't listen to mine.
I've never had my license.
Roadkill depresses me.
Pet stores depress me in retrospect.
I want a puppy.
I'm really attatched to my last name.
I try to erase people that hurt me.
I think I live in the Twilight Zone
I've walked farther and more than you.
I don't like to kill insects.
I went to Hudson when I was little, and kids told me I was stuck up for bringing my v-tech in.
I have 7 brothers
My best friend tried to kill me in first grade
My grilled cheese is better than yours
Chips are worthless without dip
None of my friends are really ugly.This concerns me
And Tequila is dirty mexican piss water
bet you didn't know.
Watching Bob Ross paint is like therapy.
I think I'm a cowboy cause I drink whiskey.
I shave my arms and the tops of my toes.
I can lick my elbow.
Waking up alone when I fell asleep with someone in the room causes me to have panic attacks.
I hate to sleep alone.
I carry a shot glass in my purse.
I have more photos of myself than anyone else.
I'm self centered.
I'm jealous.
Reading Confucious will make you feel like the worst person in the world.
True inner peace is having the patience to completly dry your hands under the air dryer.
I pick up on other peoples verbal tendencies.I'm not trying to talk like you, it just happens.
My thumb nail is really deformed and I hope it stays that way.
I was always in the dumb kid class for math.
But I can read better than you.
I view others emotions as beauty.
I view mine as weakness.
I'll listen to your life story.Even if you won't listen to mine.
I've never had my license.
Roadkill depresses me.
Pet stores depress me in retrospect.
I want a puppy.
I'm really attatched to my last name.
I try to erase people that hurt me.
I think I live in the Twilight Zone
I've walked farther and more than you.
I don't like to kill insects.
I went to Hudson when I was little, and kids told me I was stuck up for bringing my v-tech in.
I have 7 brothers
My best friend tried to kill me in first grade
My grilled cheese is better than yours
Chips are worthless without dip
None of my friends are really ugly.This concerns me
And Tequila is dirty mexican piss water
bet you didn't know.
I have more photos of myself than anyone else.
I'm self centered.
I'm jealous.
I pick up on other peoples verbal tendencies.I'm not trying to talk like you, it just happens. YES!!!
I was always in the dumb kid class for math. no match there...i'm wicked pissa at math!
I view others emotions as beauty.
I view mine as weakness.
I'll listen to your life story.Even if you won't listen to mine.
Roadkill depresses me.
Pet stores depress me in retrospect. seeing animals in cages kills me
I want a puppy.
I try to erase people that hurt me.
I think I live in the Twilight Zone - i like to consider it as just one of many dreamworlds
I don't like to kill insects.i name them