Unbearably bored and lonley this afternoon.
I'm probably going to miss Alkaline tomorrow...
Things just don't feel so great today.
Want to cheer my up somehow?
I have no suggestions, but am open to them.
I guess it was only a matter of time. Ive been bitten by the bug... And now I want to be a Suicide Girl.
[edited 4/20/06 6:19 pm]
I just realized I made myself look like God
nice pic... i love the serenity of the lower pic. i was checking out your devil's rejects pics... black and white with chocolate syrup for blood. do show us if you ever try this!
good question, i don't know about watering it down.. i think when my friend did a shoot he just left it as is. i guess maybe play with it a bit... i think it would probably look cool if you did some suicide themed shots where the syrup mixed and swirled with water in the bathtub or with water on the floor. i'm hoping to try a shoot like that soon, with the whole wrists, falling in the shower. demented... i know... but so much fun to shoot.