I hope you are all well but I know many people are not doing okay during this time and my thoughts are with everyone who is sick or has been affected financially and cannot go to work. The future seems very uncertain. Its really put life and the day to day in perspective so I'm sorry I have been quiet lately. Im sure we all have a lot to reflect on and I dont mean to repeat what has been said already millions of times but this virus is affecting all humanity so us really coming together and supporting each other emotionally is crucial. My birthday was on the 12th and I went to "House on the Rock" to celebrate. This was actually the last time I was outside and I was still traveling when IL announced the shutdown and staying at home. You may be familiar with house on the rock if you're a Neil Gaiman fan and have watched American Gods. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_on_the_Rock Since I'm really bad at explaining what it is here is a link but just know its a really magical place. and if you have a love for all things old and antique or just things from your childhood that made you happy,this is the place to go seriously! A massive collection of all things amazing and an amazing house too. I cannot take credit for all the great photos. I dragged along a friend I thought might appreciate seeing it!
the infinity room and me taking a selfie.