Well I thought it was about time I updated. I haven't really been around for the last week or so, I have been busy decorating and helping my mum clear out mum my late uncles house
I hate touching things when I know the person has died its like death is some kind of germ and its stuck to all of his stuff
so I made my nephew do most of it
I have also been shopping but I didn't get anything
every thing I wanted didn't fit me
. I found the perfect little black dress it was so well made really tailoured it was black satin with pink stitching around the neck (very "Breakfast at Tiffanys") . Anyway it was the last one left and it was a size 8 so I thought I would never fit my fat ass in it but I gave it a go and it was a perfect fit around my bum and waist it just felt really sexy and femanim, then I looked in the mirror and my boobs were bulging over the top of the dress
I would understand it if I had big boobs but I don't . I even tried stuffing them down into the dress but every time I breathed in they would pop back up again. I tried on a really nice slinky shirt too but again I couldn't fit my boobs in to it
. They should rename the shop "No boobs allowed". I also tried shopping for makeup but I couldn't find any that wasn't orange
I went into the Boots makeup section and asked one of the orange people if they had any other colour than ORANGE
but they couldn't help me. Perhaps I shoud go orange myself
god I would look awful
I went to see my friends band play on Friday night and they were great. I felt sorry for the drummer it was his first gig and he looked like he was going to pass out half way through, but he managed to finnish
I actually managed to have a night out without getting any insults from th chavs
I got the bottom part of my tattoo retouched on Friday and I had the point extended so it goes down to my "butt crack"
. Can you believe they have taken "Prep H" cream of the shelves because people are using it for tattoos instead of piles
My puppy got bitten again but its his own fault he runs up to every dog when he is on his walk and insists on trying to sniff them. He is meant to be trained he has certificates and rossettes to prove this but it all goes out the window when he see's another dog. The other dog was on the lead and Doyle wouldn't come away from it even though it was growling at him
and the other dog caught him on his dewlaps its not serious. He just doesn't understand when other dogs are not friendly.
Anyway I might try and go shopping again today

I have also been shopping but I didn't get anything

I went to see my friends band play on Friday night and they were great. I felt sorry for the drummer it was his first gig and he looked like he was going to pass out half way through, but he managed to finnish

I actually managed to have a night out without getting any insults from th chavs

I got the bottom part of my tattoo retouched on Friday and I had the point extended so it goes down to my "butt crack"

My puppy got bitten again but its his own fault he runs up to every dog when he is on his walk and insists on trying to sniff them. He is meant to be trained he has certificates and rossettes to prove this but it all goes out the window when he see's another dog. The other dog was on the lead and Doyle wouldn't come away from it even though it was growling at him

Anyway I might try and go shopping again today

Well take care and be good
are you still getting paid? plus im not really sure why you would have to go for a medical?
so they tell you just b4 it go's up? any reason why i didn't go up on the 1st?
http://www.adslguide.org/availability/btprereg.asp?order=trig go to that addy it will tell when they got a ADSL or when it will have an ADSL connection, just type in your town