I've got two heads gonna bang my heads together
I've got one leg gonna hop to heavens door
I've got three eyes gonna pluck one out for jesus and I ain't gonna have no trouble anymore
Thats one of my favourite intros to a album I smile everytime I hear it
My psychotic stalker ex b/f left mortgage papers at my parents house for me to sign apparently he can't sell the house unless I sign them. What a shame
He wanted my parents to give him my address, he is such a tosser its god knows how many years since we saw each other and he still turns up to try and talk to me
He even turned up at my best friends funeral (who he hated) to try and talk to me
.Dave my B/F can't wait for an excuse to punch him
Today at work I painted one of the rooms which isn't really used a nice dark dull shade of blue
. I achieved this amazing colour by stealing a tub of white emulsion from the decoraters cupboard and mixed it with a bottle of red food colouring and half a bottle of blue food colouring (these are catering size bottles) then I stirred it together with a hand whisk. The managers are on holiday so I thought I would take advantage of the situation
. The reason I painted the room is so I could use it for photograghy shoots, depending who is in the office
. I am now covered in blue splatters that won't wash off
. I will do the finishing touchs to the corners tomrrow
What is your favourite intro to a album?.
P.S I am not a happy bunny I had to rewrite this because the bloody computer did not save it
I've got one leg gonna hop to heavens door
I've got three eyes gonna pluck one out for jesus and I ain't gonna have no trouble anymore
Thats one of my favourite intros to a album I smile everytime I hear it

My psychotic stalker ex b/f left mortgage papers at my parents house for me to sign apparently he can't sell the house unless I sign them. What a shame

Today at work I painted one of the rooms which isn't really used a nice dark dull shade of blue

What is your favourite intro to a album?.
P.S I am not a happy bunny I had to rewrite this because the bloody computer did not save it

*hmmmhmh paint spattered Amanda *drool**