Well I finally got my piccie taken for Skin Deep last week at the Blackpool Tattoo convention and what a terrible place that was, the shoot was fun though
. Hopfully I shall never return to Blackpool again.
The puppy didnt take his exam because it was cancelled and is on the coming tuesday instead.
When I go out why is it I always seem to get chatted up by either 16 year olds or 50 year olds
. The fifty year old looked like the bassist out of QOTSA and the 16 year looked like a pre pubesent Dave Grohl
and both were in the Salmesbury Arms in Manchester, I always seem to get the wierdos (Devon you know who you are)
. Anyway at least it was amusing.
Its my b/fs birthday on Monday so he's got a very nice new digi camera and he keeps trying to play with it
Anyhoo seen as I havent posted for a while I thought I'd post anew piccie
curently listening to Monster Magnet "God Says No" cause it rocks like a space demons nackers

The puppy didnt take his exam because it was cancelled and is on the coming tuesday instead.
When I go out why is it I always seem to get chatted up by either 16 year olds or 50 year olds

Its my b/fs birthday on Monday so he's got a very nice new digi camera and he keeps trying to play with it

Anyhoo seen as I havent posted for a while I thought I'd post anew piccie

curently listening to Monster Magnet "God Says No" cause it rocks like a space demons nackers

and whats a brew?
how are all the snakies ??