Yet another bad monday, I get to work after my weekend off and discover I have Imbeciles to work with. Why me what did I do so wrong?
. I spent most the day correcting there mistakes
, but I should be used to it by now
I've just done another set (even though the first one hasnt gone up yet
) which I will send off soon, I hope it gets excepted
At least the weathers good and the sun as been shining.

I've just done another set (even though the first one hasnt gone up yet

At least the weathers good and the sun as been shining.

Oh thank you very much anyway
thank god i passed
im going to try and finsh my castle now that i have a bit more time, as well as do a painted comic strip for thursday
Tim refusing to interact with me!
the only thing i have ever had planned was for my 18th, all nighter at gillys in manchester, then 7am on the train to london to see my fav arttists exhabition (dali)
I'm looking for new tattoo arttist, i have spent 600 odd quid, and it's nowhere near done. and it's low quallity, it's really getting to me! i wanted nice legs for the summer lol
im trying my hardest to download the Dresden dolls, but can't find it anywhere!!!!! im addicted to that video on thier site lol
oh well
and finaly the button!!! my rooms constantly boiling!!! so be ''kind'' i have mounted my fan ontop of it's case pointing down, and it's currently floped on the floor directly under the fan haveing the time of it's life!