Hi everyone I'm very excited because the set I shooted of @wolf and @antaje will be hitting MR by August the 4th ( I know, I told you wrong before, sorry).
This is my favorite set and we have been waiting for so long to share it with you guys, you see I happened to move from one city to another, travel for exhibitions and have three jobs at the time we shoot it, but since I liked it so much I needed to do the edition myself, so it took a while... and now AT LAST we can say: you will be able to see it VERY SOON! This is also the FIRST EVER 100% Mexican Suicidegirls MULTY SET!
I'm also very happy because this set was shooted with love and enthusiasm like in the good old days when we all used to hang, eat and help @cudnovati in his shootings when everything was perfect and shiny and friendly, I'm happy because for a moment we had that magic back and I wish with all my heart we can all be working together from now on in new projects to come.
Thanks for the girls who helped us to make this happend! Thanks to @morganette for helping with the lighting and taking weird things out of @antaje boobs (ok, it was just a tiny paper or something) and thanks so much to @hollyberry for bein' the best host for location ever and helping at moving furniture, but above all thank you girls for bein good people and good friends. YOU GIRLS ROCK.
@rosetta @bruise I love you too girls and next time you have to be there too.
This set goes with so much love for all of you, stay together, be kind and do as Rihanna say and shine bright like a diamond.