I got my student loan through on monday... and I managed to put off shopping for 4 days!! BUT I caved in today
and spent around 100 in Topshop, H&M and New Look.... OOPS!!!!
However I'm so totally chuffed with what I've got, everything is so beautiful... even my tan Louis Vuitton bag to goes with my new out-fit and tan strappy heels! <3 perfection!
Guna start getting ready now and wear all my new things! Going for a few drinks with some lovely friends, should be nice
Hope everyone has a good weekend! Don't do anything naughty
Amalie xox

However I'm so totally chuffed with what I've got, everything is so beautiful... even my tan Louis Vuitton bag to goes with my new out-fit and tan strappy heels! <3 perfection!
Guna start getting ready now and wear all my new things! Going for a few drinks with some lovely friends, should be nice

Hope everyone has a good weekend! Don't do anything naughty

Amalie xox
Ivonne... I like your thinking! Unfortunately I have to wait till monday for that...
hahaha! xox

so easy to piss away the loan as soon as it arrives, spend about 3 days living like a king before cold reality hits home