¿Alguna vez has tenido algo tan bonito que no quieres ni tocarlo para no hacerle daño? Pues eso eres tú para mí. Eres el ave que se acerca y me provoca quedarme inmóvil para no ahuyentarla; eres una ráfaga de viento en un día soleado, de esas que se disfrutan mejor quieto y con los ojos cerrados; eres la fragilidad de todo lo que prefiero no tener antes que ver lejano
Have you ever had something so beautiful that you don't even want to touch it so as not to hurt? Well that's you to me. You are the bird that approaches and causes me to stay motionless so as not to scare it away; you are a gust of wind on a sunny day, the kind that is best enjoyed still and with your eyes closed; you are the fragility of everything that I prefer not to have rather than see far away
@lemon @missy @penny