I voted for him and couldn't be more happy with what he has done so far and his speech.
Many of us who didn't vote for Obama accepted he was President and gave him a chance. That's what you do as an American. Sure, nothing he ever did I liked much, especially the division he brought and has created, but I still respected the office. I would have shook his hand had I met him. We didn't throw tantrums in the streets and break windows. We didn't give him death threats and mention blowing up the white house in a speech in front of thousands (had we done that it would have been front page news and people arrested, but somehow it's ok for people against Trump). The blatant intolerance I see in the streets (and have experienced personally) from these people on the left and mind boggling miss-information people actually believe and regurgitate constantly astounds me.
The word "racist" is thrown at anyone and everyone anymore, and I personally am sick of it. The majority of the time someone calls someone "racist" now days has nothing to do with race at all. Such as securing up our broader. That has nothing to do with race. Neither does having Voter ID laws. That is part of WHY people voted for Trump. Many of us are tired of the PC speech thought police nonsense and hypocrisy. We are tired of the bias and intolerance.
But hey, being a more "conservative" (I personally hate labels) Goth/Metalhead...I never get discriminated against right? Yes, I do. I have my entire life frankly. Ya, it's part of why I am always single. No, I am not in your face about my beliefs or politics, quite the opposite, but finding a woman into the things I am into that are NOT on the "left" is an act of divine intervention, and I think that is very unfair. I don't understand why people can't just like and enjoy things without bowing to social norms. Ohh, you like goth so that means you must believe A, B, C, and D. No. I think that is ridiculous. I like what I like and believe what I believe, being into goth and metal has nothing to do with it nor does it effect it. I think for myself, which is why I voted for Trump. I don't fall for the media and propaganda. I don't vote to "fit in" or what is popular this week to do. (There really needs to be websites for Goth/Metal types who are more "conservative", because isn't that diversity?)
Shouldn't half the country who voted Trump be included and tolerated? Yes. But, I don't see much of that and think that is wrong. Why should people who voted for Trump be nearly forced to be silent and hide while all the people who voted Hillary or others can scream in the streets, harass, and in some cases ATTACK people who voted Trump? Is that not Facist and Intolerant? The two things they accuse Trump and "Trumpsters" of being?
There is a quote from a movie called "Falling Down" that goes around in my head lately. It says "This is America, we have the RIGHT to disagree". Yes, I have the RIGHT to disagree and vote for Trump. I shouldn't have to feel ashamed or have fear of backlash or attack for it. I should be able to walk through a group of "protestors" while wearing a Trump hat or Shirt and have no fear of anything. I never treated people who voted Obama that way, but as seems to be the case all too often, the "left" gets a free pass. Again, part of why some people voted Trump. We are tired of that.
(The video pretty much sums up how I feel. Someone saying "Fuck your Freedom" after you express your simple disagreement. That is how people seem to be these days)
Now, we will see if any of my "Follows" drop in number after posting this....or even if I get blocked from a person I followed. Or, insults and the other childish nonsense people do online.