My farewell post:
It's been a fun seven years, and I've met some amazing people, fallen in love with some of them, and never regretted anything SG related that I"ve been a part of.
Sadly, I"ve noticed that I wasn't staying for the pictures anymore, and the SG community outside of Seattle wasn't quite up to my expectations. Salt Lake has opened up some opportunities...
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It's been a fun seven years, and I've met some amazing people, fallen in love with some of them, and never regretted anything SG related that I"ve been a part of.
Sadly, I"ve noticed that I wasn't staying for the pictures anymore, and the SG community outside of Seattle wasn't quite up to my expectations. Salt Lake has opened up some opportunities...
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I'm exhausted! After competing for the Rocky Mountain Olympus Leather Title, today was my first day to just catch my breath and rest a bit. It's amazing how much a title run takes out of you, I couldn't imagine what running for an office must be like.
At any rate, I was first runner up, which honestly was the correct choice, Utah Rox is very...
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At any rate, I was first runner up, which honestly was the correct choice, Utah Rox is very...
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Denied entry?
Thanks, VP
and Argene, they just said, request denied, meh.
and Argene, they just said, request denied, meh.
I appologise for being away much of the past month or so, I have a lot on my plate. Those of you who didn't make it into the BDSM group most likely didn't read the discription that's been there for about seven years.
Ok, but now for things going on ...
I'm on a design team for a photo book, doing photoshop and taking pictures...
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Ok, but now for things going on ...
I'm on a design team for a photo book, doing photoshop and taking pictures...
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It seems like is was bound to happen, I ended up in the ER yesterday for six hours of clearing the blood ingested from my stomach and re-cauterizing my neck. It was the worst experience I think I've ever had.
I hope things get better.

Hope you are ok.
I think it would have been nice to know having sex during recovery could cause my cauterized throat to rupture, nearly requiring a trip to the emergency room. I managed to stop the bleeding on my own thankfully thanks to three hours of ice packs and a day of not talking or eating.
I'm not saying it wasn't worth it, but damn I don't want...
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I'm not saying it wasn't worth it, but damn I don't want...
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Ouch. Damn, son, give it a rest and keep it in your pants until you're totally healthy. 

holy shit! glad you are ok!
So I'm in day four of my recovery from having my tonsils removed. This shit has not been easy. I almost went to the hospital last night, I was delierious with fever and my body wretched at the thought of taking in fluids. after about 20min in a cold bath I was able to down about 16oz of gatorade. I went back to sleep with...
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that sucks dude!! i thought it was all ice cream and getting babied by mom...
Scary, man.... glad your fever went down.
I had my tonsils removed several years ago...took me about an hour to drink a glass of water. I was out for three weeks.
Hope you feel better soon!
I had my tonsils removed several years ago...took me about an hour to drink a glass of water. I was out for three weeks.
Hope you feel better soon!
I had all but forgotten how much I enjoy band photography. Shooting VNV Nation was a blast although the three song limit was one rule I always knew was out there, I had yet to run into until tonight. Thankfully VNV songs are 6-8min long so I still managed to get quite a few clicks off. I'm hoping I get about 8 good ones.
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thanks! me too. haha.
aw. thanks. much appreciated
You know that feeling you get when you run into a great deal on something that you couldn't afford but really needed?
I'm kinda rocking that feeling right now. I have an ex-step-daughter who is turning 18 on June 16th, and after I let her play around with my Canon 40D, she was pretty much done with point and shoots. So for her birthday I...
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I'm kinda rocking that feeling right now. I have an ex-step-daughter who is turning 18 on June 16th, and after I let her play around with my Canon 40D, she was pretty much done with point and shoots. So for her birthday I...
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that's an amazing gift.. really thoughtful in encouraging her <3
wow. i want a camera. i don't even have a shitty one. well i do my cell phone one. which sucks.
I'm presiding over my first college level class today. My professors sons came down with pneumonia, one recovered from the first course of treatments, the other hasn't responded to three courses, and is in the hospital, the little guy is 8. I lost a mentor Steve Teague to pneumonia and recently Frankie manning died from it, so I'm very much distracted by this poor kid....
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I have got to start unplugging from facebook