I'd like to update you on my life. Really, I would. However, there's absolutely nothing to update on. I get up. Sometimes I bum around my boyfriend's house (I don't have internet access at my place again until next Thursday) or play my ds. Other times I go back to my apartment and hang out with my recently re-acquired kittenloves. Today I went to target and picked up stuff like toilet paper, paper towels, and a cutting board. Totally exciting, isn't it.
Well, I guess I am a bit excited cause my Christmas present arrived in the mail today. About $80 worth of various sexyfuntoytype items which are even better cause they were part of a 50% off sale. Yay! Everyone wins! I'm really excited for the massage oil we got - it's super yummy (edible and actually tastes good) and warming and when you blow on it, you can actually feel it get superhot for a few seconds. The lady who was selling the stuff (I got it from a sex toy party so NO BOYS ALLOWED
) joked that you should never use the massage oil near a fan that's on unless you want to feel like you're on fire. I can see why.
Other than that, um.. I really miss Japan. I mean, a lot. I don't miss my living situation (dorms suck) but I miss the... I dunno, the Japaneseness of Japan. The trains. Walking to the grocery store and not buying a carload of groceries at a time. Actually being physically able to walk to the grocery store because it's not 2 miles away. Vending machines with a variety of teas, juices, and coffee (sometimes alcohol or hot soup too) for my consumption as I wander around town. My friends. I really, really, really, really, really, really, did I mention REALLY miss my friends. Ironically, one of my best friends that I plan on hanging out with is the local president of Gamma Phi Beta - yes, a sorority. When we were bawling at our farewell party, she goes, 'Who would ever think that a girl like me and a girl like you would ever be such good friends?' I just laughed and said, 'I was wondering the same thing, Annie.' She has a heart of gold. But school and work start up soon (work technically this week but it's mostly just paperwork and meetings and playing catchup, so I get to make my own hours yaaay) so that'll keep me busy. Although the sweet thing is I'm taking two classes for shits and giggles, East Asian History and Philosophy of Feminism. So if they suck or seem like they'd be too much work, I can drop one or both and not have any problems. But I like keeping a full schedule, so...
I also went to the dentist the other day. I have to get 3 fillings (2 will be done next week, as well as getting some 'resurfacing' on some fillings I've had for a long time that are a bit rough but it's mostly a cosmetic thing so I never said anything about it - the kicker is, I drive back to my hometown for this, so I'm making a 250 mile round trip every week for 3 weeks, yeesh) and one that I had filled slightly before Japan is pretty hefty and on a back tooth so it's hell to reach.. so it was recommended that I get a crown. That sucks cause crowns are fucking expensive. However, if it comes down to having a crown, or running the (fairly likely) possibility of having another abcessed tooth and needing another root canal and THEN another crown.. well, let's just skip the extremely painful (and even more expensive) parts and just go straight to the crown. I'm on my parent's insurance for another year so I'm going to get everything done now while I can cause.. well, once I turn 23, I'm not going to have affordable insurance for a questionable amount of time. So. Gotta get that done while I still can.
I guess I had an update in me after all.
Well, I guess I am a bit excited cause my Christmas present arrived in the mail today. About $80 worth of various sexyfuntoytype items which are even better cause they were part of a 50% off sale. Yay! Everyone wins! I'm really excited for the massage oil we got - it's super yummy (edible and actually tastes good) and warming and when you blow on it, you can actually feel it get superhot for a few seconds. The lady who was selling the stuff (I got it from a sex toy party so NO BOYS ALLOWED

Other than that, um.. I really miss Japan. I mean, a lot. I don't miss my living situation (dorms suck) but I miss the... I dunno, the Japaneseness of Japan. The trains. Walking to the grocery store and not buying a carload of groceries at a time. Actually being physically able to walk to the grocery store because it's not 2 miles away. Vending machines with a variety of teas, juices, and coffee (sometimes alcohol or hot soup too) for my consumption as I wander around town. My friends. I really, really, really, really, really, really, did I mention REALLY miss my friends. Ironically, one of my best friends that I plan on hanging out with is the local president of Gamma Phi Beta - yes, a sorority. When we were bawling at our farewell party, she goes, 'Who would ever think that a girl like me and a girl like you would ever be such good friends?' I just laughed and said, 'I was wondering the same thing, Annie.' She has a heart of gold. But school and work start up soon (work technically this week but it's mostly just paperwork and meetings and playing catchup, so I get to make my own hours yaaay) so that'll keep me busy. Although the sweet thing is I'm taking two classes for shits and giggles, East Asian History and Philosophy of Feminism. So if they suck or seem like they'd be too much work, I can drop one or both and not have any problems. But I like keeping a full schedule, so...
I also went to the dentist the other day. I have to get 3 fillings (2 will be done next week, as well as getting some 'resurfacing' on some fillings I've had for a long time that are a bit rough but it's mostly a cosmetic thing so I never said anything about it - the kicker is, I drive back to my hometown for this, so I'm making a 250 mile round trip every week for 3 weeks, yeesh) and one that I had filled slightly before Japan is pretty hefty and on a back tooth so it's hell to reach.. so it was recommended that I get a crown. That sucks cause crowns are fucking expensive. However, if it comes down to having a crown, or running the (fairly likely) possibility of having another abcessed tooth and needing another root canal and THEN another crown.. well, let's just skip the extremely painful (and even more expensive) parts and just go straight to the crown. I'm on my parent's insurance for another year so I'm going to get everything done now while I can cause.. well, once I turn 23, I'm not going to have affordable insurance for a questionable amount of time. So. Gotta get that done while I still can.
I guess I had an update in me after all.

hey thanks, you have mentioned the lucky cat. its my roommate hehe