Idaho, awaaay!
Okay so not away, but I'm back now. Went to Idaho for 5 days (well, 3 days plus driving) to see my buddy Corey, who I met on World of Warcraft. I also got to meet some of our other guildmates. It was a dorky good time. I left on Wednesday, drove up through Wyoming and northern Utah, then arrived in Boise in the afternoon on Thursday. Corey, his girlfriend Dena, our mutual friend Rick (who was an aforementioned former guildie) and I went out to some fancy schmancy bars and spent waaaaaaay too much money. However, I got off light since I was the visitor. But I'll just put it this way: I have never, ever before in my life seen people drop as much money that night on drinks as we did. Wow. We did at least 6 or 7 rounds of shots, and regular drinks besides.. honestly I couldn't tell you how much since the end of the night gets kind of blurry. What I do remember is Rick trying to sleep with me and me brushing him off. Yay for moral fortitude!
Friday was really low-key. We slept for a good chunk of the day, then Corey took me to his favorite restaraunt. After that, Dena came over and we all went to see the Bourne Supremacy. It was more or less what I expected so yay for that.
Saturday they were heading out to another town (as Corey is only back for another week or so before he flies back to Afghanistan) so I headed home. This time I swung south through Salt Lake City and then east through Denver. It was pretty and I enjoyed the mountains, but it added a good 5-8 hours of driving time and my car just wasn't a big fan of that last little bit before you hit the top of the range around 10,000 feet before Rocky Mountain National Forest.
So I got home yesterday, went over to my boyfriend's house (as he had my keys to take care of my kitties while I was gone) and spent the night. It was very nice. Today I came home and cleaned the sad litter box, and showered. I was pretty gross after 2 days on the road. I also got a new pretty pink (like my hair pink, not barfy pastel pink) phone today as my screen died on my old phone shortly after arriving in Idaho. I could still send/receive calls but the inside screen would either just show garbled images, or mostly just nothing at all. I told the guy I wanted to keep it for a picture that I was going to upload to facebook, but it occurred to me that that phone is no longer hooked up, so it's a moot point. Oh well. I guess if I ever do a study at my workplace and need a phone without a camera, I can switch it over.
Other than that.. now begins the waiting game. I leave the country in 10 days. I have a lot to get done - calling everywhere, cancelling various services, arranging things for the kitties, packing, going to the pre-trip orientation, my friend is getting married on Saturday, getting my real crown put on on Monday, trying to hang out with everyone... I really just want to chill with my boyfriend. Partying will be awesome but honestly, I'll do more than enough of that in Japan. But I have a plan in place to keep myself out of trouble. I've got an awesome guy for a boyfriend and I say this pretty much every time it comes up: I am not fucking up this time. I mean it. I just hope that past issues aside, we make it through. Long distance is hard, long distance literally across the globe is harder. At least I'll have my own computer and skype this time, so we can talk on the phone more often. Yes.
Hope all my friendlies are doing okay - it's hard to read blogs when you're driving.
Okay so not away, but I'm back now. Went to Idaho for 5 days (well, 3 days plus driving) to see my buddy Corey, who I met on World of Warcraft. I also got to meet some of our other guildmates. It was a dorky good time. I left on Wednesday, drove up through Wyoming and northern Utah, then arrived in Boise in the afternoon on Thursday. Corey, his girlfriend Dena, our mutual friend Rick (who was an aforementioned former guildie) and I went out to some fancy schmancy bars and spent waaaaaaay too much money. However, I got off light since I was the visitor. But I'll just put it this way: I have never, ever before in my life seen people drop as much money that night on drinks as we did. Wow. We did at least 6 or 7 rounds of shots, and regular drinks besides.. honestly I couldn't tell you how much since the end of the night gets kind of blurry. What I do remember is Rick trying to sleep with me and me brushing him off. Yay for moral fortitude!
Friday was really low-key. We slept for a good chunk of the day, then Corey took me to his favorite restaraunt. After that, Dena came over and we all went to see the Bourne Supremacy. It was more or less what I expected so yay for that.
Saturday they were heading out to another town (as Corey is only back for another week or so before he flies back to Afghanistan) so I headed home. This time I swung south through Salt Lake City and then east through Denver. It was pretty and I enjoyed the mountains, but it added a good 5-8 hours of driving time and my car just wasn't a big fan of that last little bit before you hit the top of the range around 10,000 feet before Rocky Mountain National Forest.
So I got home yesterday, went over to my boyfriend's house (as he had my keys to take care of my kitties while I was gone) and spent the night. It was very nice. Today I came home and cleaned the sad litter box, and showered. I was pretty gross after 2 days on the road. I also got a new pretty pink (like my hair pink, not barfy pastel pink) phone today as my screen died on my old phone shortly after arriving in Idaho. I could still send/receive calls but the inside screen would either just show garbled images, or mostly just nothing at all. I told the guy I wanted to keep it for a picture that I was going to upload to facebook, but it occurred to me that that phone is no longer hooked up, so it's a moot point. Oh well. I guess if I ever do a study at my workplace and need a phone without a camera, I can switch it over.

Other than that.. now begins the waiting game. I leave the country in 10 days. I have a lot to get done - calling everywhere, cancelling various services, arranging things for the kitties, packing, going to the pre-trip orientation, my friend is getting married on Saturday, getting my real crown put on on Monday, trying to hang out with everyone... I really just want to chill with my boyfriend. Partying will be awesome but honestly, I'll do more than enough of that in Japan. But I have a plan in place to keep myself out of trouble. I've got an awesome guy for a boyfriend and I say this pretty much every time it comes up: I am not fucking up this time. I mean it. I just hope that past issues aside, we make it through. Long distance is hard, long distance literally across the globe is harder. At least I'll have my own computer and skype this time, so we can talk on the phone more often. Yes.
Hope all my friendlies are doing okay - it's hard to read blogs when you're driving.