This week in general has been full of suck.
Got pulled over yesterday on my way downtown to help a friend celebrate the big 2-1 and was informed by a nice policeman that my plates expired last month. Oops. Way to go, team. I had two options (technically I'm supposed to have Lincoln plates by now but since I'm a student that law is lax-ish.) Option one: get to Madison and get plates redone there, have shit keep being sent to my mom who forgets to tell me these mildly important things, spend $30 in gas to go there and back. I think I'm going to go back to Norfolk next week anyway (Madison is on the way home) so I'll just stop by. Part of me wants to see Theresa (my ex's mom) but I don't know if she'll be friendly to me or not.
Option two: go to the Lancaster DMV and get all my stuff switched over to Lincolnness, but will be more expensive than Madison county in the first place, and I'd also need a new driver's license. All with money that I don't have, yippee!!
Dropped $50 today on food for me and cats. I will be living off sandwiches, chips, and juice for the next few weeks. That's it. I get paid next Friday but a lot of that is already headed towards bills. Trying to save up for Japan is fucking daunting - I have no idea where I'm going to be standing when I leave. I was hoping for $2000-3000, now I'll be lucky to have a grand. All these random little shitty expenses like the car tags and a parking permit for the spring and all that are really starting to add up and I didn't include them in my original expenses. Bah.
Also frustrated cause my boyfriend's getting jerked around at work. He's been working at his job for 6, 6 and a half some years now and they're more or less considering fucking him over on hours. To make a long story short, he works in a group home for mentally handicapped adults, and one of the clients was pulled out of services by his family because they want to put him in in-home care. Okay, not a problem, my boy just made up hours at different houses or with different clients. But now that it's looking like they're going to really do it (they were just considering for the past few weeks) that leaves my boyfriend without someone to work with for half the week. He cannot go from living on 40 hours a week to 25 hours a week. Really, nobody can. (Well, I'm managing it but I also get a lot of help from my mom - if I was on my own, I would be bending over and taking it up the ass without lube. Or just be homeless.) So he's stressed, I'm stressed cause of my lack of money because it's already spent before I even earn it. Yesterday I woke up, went to work, went out to the bars for an hour, went over to my boyfriend's and immediately crashed. Awesome, huh. My next few weeks pretty much look like that. So we're just one stressed couple, yuck.
I'm reading The Jungle by Upton Sinclair and if you haven't read it, it's about a poor immigrant family that moves to Chicago from Lithuania and works in the stockyards and meat factories. I kind of feel like that family - not in the 'I work in a fertilizer barn and the boss is fucking my wife and I went to jail cause I beat the shit out of him' way or in the 'I'm getting my hand amputated because I cut myself at work deboning cattle and we can't afford a doctor so it's now infected and full of gangrene' way or 'I'm popping out children even though I can't afford them because I don't have access to birth control (although I wonder how the hell they had time to fuck when they were working before the sun came up until after it went down) and I'm probably going to die in childbirth' way. But rather the 'I'm scrambling and fighting and cutting back what I can and I still keep going farther and farther under' sort of way. And it's not just me, a lot of my friends (both real life and internet) are having the same struggle. Some of them aren't so great with money, but I am and I'm still finding myself in a bind. Am I going to feel this way for the rest of my life?
Got pulled over yesterday on my way downtown to help a friend celebrate the big 2-1 and was informed by a nice policeman that my plates expired last month. Oops. Way to go, team. I had two options (technically I'm supposed to have Lincoln plates by now but since I'm a student that law is lax-ish.) Option one: get to Madison and get plates redone there, have shit keep being sent to my mom who forgets to tell me these mildly important things, spend $30 in gas to go there and back. I think I'm going to go back to Norfolk next week anyway (Madison is on the way home) so I'll just stop by. Part of me wants to see Theresa (my ex's mom) but I don't know if she'll be friendly to me or not.
Dropped $50 today on food for me and cats. I will be living off sandwiches, chips, and juice for the next few weeks. That's it. I get paid next Friday but a lot of that is already headed towards bills. Trying to save up for Japan is fucking daunting - I have no idea where I'm going to be standing when I leave. I was hoping for $2000-3000, now I'll be lucky to have a grand. All these random little shitty expenses like the car tags and a parking permit for the spring and all that are really starting to add up and I didn't include them in my original expenses. Bah.
Also frustrated cause my boyfriend's getting jerked around at work. He's been working at his job for 6, 6 and a half some years now and they're more or less considering fucking him over on hours. To make a long story short, he works in a group home for mentally handicapped adults, and one of the clients was pulled out of services by his family because they want to put him in in-home care. Okay, not a problem, my boy just made up hours at different houses or with different clients. But now that it's looking like they're going to really do it (they were just considering for the past few weeks) that leaves my boyfriend without someone to work with for half the week. He cannot go from living on 40 hours a week to 25 hours a week. Really, nobody can. (Well, I'm managing it but I also get a lot of help from my mom - if I was on my own, I would be bending over and taking it up the ass without lube. Or just be homeless.) So he's stressed, I'm stressed cause of my lack of money because it's already spent before I even earn it. Yesterday I woke up, went to work, went out to the bars for an hour, went over to my boyfriend's and immediately crashed. Awesome, huh. My next few weeks pretty much look like that. So we're just one stressed couple, yuck.
I'm reading The Jungle by Upton Sinclair and if you haven't read it, it's about a poor immigrant family that moves to Chicago from Lithuania and works in the stockyards and meat factories. I kind of feel like that family - not in the 'I work in a fertilizer barn and the boss is fucking my wife and I went to jail cause I beat the shit out of him' way or in the 'I'm getting my hand amputated because I cut myself at work deboning cattle and we can't afford a doctor so it's now infected and full of gangrene' way or 'I'm popping out children even though I can't afford them because I don't have access to birth control (although I wonder how the hell they had time to fuck when they were working before the sun came up until after it went down) and I'm probably going to die in childbirth' way. But rather the 'I'm scrambling and fighting and cutting back what I can and I still keep going farther and farther under' sort of way. And it's not just me, a lot of my friends (both real life and internet) are having the same struggle. Some of them aren't so great with money, but I am and I'm still finding myself in a bind. Am I going to feel this way for the rest of my life?
Would you possibly be willing to make it an MMFF foursome so we can take turns? Tee-hee. I want in on the Weasley action.