Wow! It's been about a week since I posted here. And I was doing so well. Well really, there's not much to talk about, just more of the usual. Frustrated about work because I have about 30 hours worth of work to cover or I don't get to go on vacation. If I wasn't going to be gone, I'd be perfectly happy to work (although the 12 hour Saturday would be kind of a bummer - I'd be so fucking tired more than anything) but I've been looking forward to this New York trip since I found out about it in January. So, blah.
I'm afraid I have another cavity. A very tiny sliver of a tooth came out the other day, of the tooth that was being run into by a now-gone wisdom tooth. I figure it's one of those ones where there's not really much you can do about them, but it still sucks. I hate my teeth. Hate em hate em hate em.
Went to one of those sex toy parties last night, you know, like a tupperware party or pampered chef or mary kay. Only with sexyproducts. I didn't know they made stuff that tasted so good! I ended up with a bottle of cleaner (as I have only one toy and I honestly don't use it that much but once I get more money that will change, and they need to be clean) and some new lube. I've been using KY mist with my boyfriend and um, just don't bother. If you're gonna use KY you might as well get the kind in the regular bottle. (And not the warming - I've heard about 10 negative comments for every good one.) The stuff I bought was Wet Platinum, which was really nice. It wasn't all goopy like KY is and it doesn't have any sort of scent, which I like. (The KY didn't as long as we only used a little for extra lube during sex, but as a handjob lube it was very.. fragrant.) The biggest problem I had with KY is that it dried up sooo fast, that during a handjob I'd have to stop and reapply every minute or so (no exaggeration) and it'd end up being all goobery on my hands. What's the point of a store-bought lube if I have to reapply constantly? It'd be easier just to use spit. But this stuff doesn't do that. Even when it's 'dry', it didn't get all yucky and I didn't feel like I was starting to rub my poor boy's skin off - it was still lubed enough that it was comfortable, but I like to give really slick ones. I think we used about 3 quarter sizes worth of lube last night (2 for a foreplay-handjob, then we swtitched to PIV and used another blob for me - absolutely silky smooth, I loved it) so I figure the 3 ounce bottle will last us quite a long time. So I highly recommend it. Just make sure not to use it with any silicone toys since silicone based lubes eat silicone toys, and I don't know why. I just know it does.
Next time I go to a party (or just have money, I can call the distributor myself) I'm going to drop about $70. I have a nice toy in mind, some spray-on lotion stuff which smells good and also makes tattoos look brand new again (you know how they're really nice and bright right when you get them done, before the peely/itchy stage? Like that!), and then there's this delicious edible warming massage oil. As the boy and I are people who like to lick a lot, and rub a lot, this will be fabulous. I'm usually really excited about sex but sex that tastes like candy is even better!!!! Yeah!!!
So that's all. Waiting for the dentist to return my call about getting an appointment to take care of that cavity, and that's about it. I'm gonna spend today bumming around with my cats (I was at the boy's all weekend - not that I mind) and doing a whole lot of nothing. Maybe learn some new kanji, or really, review old ones that I don't use much. I need to finish suikoden 2, but I'm not sure what I want to play after that. I own kingdom hearts and FF7 and have played neither. I'm in the middle of FF9 but at this point I may have to start over cause I have no idea what's going on anymore. Or do I want to do the original suikoden? Plus, I have soul calibur 3 that I really haven't played much (then again, it's a fighting game - there's not exactly a thrilling storyline) and I'm not even halfway through Devil May Cry 3. So, hmm. Choices, choices.
Oh, and I got to FINALLY play Oblivion this week. On the ps3, no less, cause the boy and I were dog-sitting for some of his friends. Wow, it's pretty. (I would've bought it when it came out but I didn't have a dvd-rom on my old computer; I do on this one.) We also played some game called Flow, which is uh... weird. I was informed before playing that it was a Grade A stoner game, and that they (boyfriend+friend) ended up playing it for about an hour without realizing it. Well, we played it non-stoned (and it is totally a stoner game, if you're a zone-out type of stoner, complete with relaxing music and everything) and it was still kinda trippy, but not in a traditionally trippy sort of sense. Anyway, we ended up beating it so yay for us!
Okay, I'm REALLY done now.
I'm afraid I have another cavity. A very tiny sliver of a tooth came out the other day, of the tooth that was being run into by a now-gone wisdom tooth. I figure it's one of those ones where there's not really much you can do about them, but it still sucks. I hate my teeth. Hate em hate em hate em.
Went to one of those sex toy parties last night, you know, like a tupperware party or pampered chef or mary kay. Only with sexyproducts. I didn't know they made stuff that tasted so good! I ended up with a bottle of cleaner (as I have only one toy and I honestly don't use it that much but once I get more money that will change, and they need to be clean) and some new lube. I've been using KY mist with my boyfriend and um, just don't bother. If you're gonna use KY you might as well get the kind in the regular bottle. (And not the warming - I've heard about 10 negative comments for every good one.) The stuff I bought was Wet Platinum, which was really nice. It wasn't all goopy like KY is and it doesn't have any sort of scent, which I like. (The KY didn't as long as we only used a little for extra lube during sex, but as a handjob lube it was very.. fragrant.) The biggest problem I had with KY is that it dried up sooo fast, that during a handjob I'd have to stop and reapply every minute or so (no exaggeration) and it'd end up being all goobery on my hands. What's the point of a store-bought lube if I have to reapply constantly? It'd be easier just to use spit. But this stuff doesn't do that. Even when it's 'dry', it didn't get all yucky and I didn't feel like I was starting to rub my poor boy's skin off - it was still lubed enough that it was comfortable, but I like to give really slick ones. I think we used about 3 quarter sizes worth of lube last night (2 for a foreplay-handjob, then we swtitched to PIV and used another blob for me - absolutely silky smooth, I loved it) so I figure the 3 ounce bottle will last us quite a long time. So I highly recommend it. Just make sure not to use it with any silicone toys since silicone based lubes eat silicone toys, and I don't know why. I just know it does.

Next time I go to a party (or just have money, I can call the distributor myself) I'm going to drop about $70. I have a nice toy in mind, some spray-on lotion stuff which smells good and also makes tattoos look brand new again (you know how they're really nice and bright right when you get them done, before the peely/itchy stage? Like that!), and then there's this delicious edible warming massage oil. As the boy and I are people who like to lick a lot, and rub a lot, this will be fabulous. I'm usually really excited about sex but sex that tastes like candy is even better!!!! Yeah!!!

So that's all. Waiting for the dentist to return my call about getting an appointment to take care of that cavity, and that's about it. I'm gonna spend today bumming around with my cats (I was at the boy's all weekend - not that I mind) and doing a whole lot of nothing. Maybe learn some new kanji, or really, review old ones that I don't use much. I need to finish suikoden 2, but I'm not sure what I want to play after that. I own kingdom hearts and FF7 and have played neither. I'm in the middle of FF9 but at this point I may have to start over cause I have no idea what's going on anymore. Or do I want to do the original suikoden? Plus, I have soul calibur 3 that I really haven't played much (then again, it's a fighting game - there's not exactly a thrilling storyline) and I'm not even halfway through Devil May Cry 3. So, hmm. Choices, choices.
Oh, and I got to FINALLY play Oblivion this week. On the ps3, no less, cause the boy and I were dog-sitting for some of his friends. Wow, it's pretty. (I would've bought it when it came out but I didn't have a dvd-rom on my old computer; I do on this one.) We also played some game called Flow, which is uh... weird. I was informed before playing that it was a Grade A stoner game, and that they (boyfriend+friend) ended up playing it for about an hour without realizing it. Well, we played it non-stoned (and it is totally a stoner game, if you're a zone-out type of stoner, complete with relaxing music and everything) and it was still kinda trippy, but not in a traditionally trippy sort of sense. Anyway, we ended up beating it so yay for us!
Okay, I'm REALLY done now.
Anyhow, lately I am working on NOT having sex with my boyfriend (complicated reasons) since we just got back together from being on a break I initiated for broken trust. So I sincerely hope by the time we're ready for sex, I won't even need lube.