Good news, bad news.
Good news is that I'm picking up more work hours.
Bad news is, uh, well, a lot of things. One is that I didn't get accepted for a JASSO scholarship, which is a very lucrative scholarship awarded by the Japanese government. It works out to about a $1100ish 'settling in' expense stipend when you arrive and about $700 a month spending money after that. Yeah, fuckin sweet, I know. My coordinator said that 2 people got them, so hopefully my friend Eric (who is a drug-addled hippie to the max - but also crazy smart and a sweet guy) got one of them. He's going to Nanzan, not Tokyo like I am, but hopefully our week-long breaks at the end of October will match up and we can hang out.
However, not geting this scholarship creates the problem of being broke in Japan. As I said, I'm getting more work hours but I'm still afraid it won't be enough and I really, really, really really really reallllyyyyyy do not want to have to ask my mom for money. So I guess I'm going to bust my ass and see how things work out. I've already picked up probably 5+ hours in training during the coming week, so that will help. And I'm getting closer to finishing my 'CCA manual', which is jargon to anyone who doesn't work with me, but the bottom line is that once I'm done with it, I get a raise. So, yay.
Another problem with suddenly gaining work hours is the time they're at - the way my job works, I usually end up working early early mornings, and long weekends. So for the next couple of weeks I'm working a fair amount during the week (a couple hours a day, which I prefer to 2 8-hour shifts) but my weekends are shot. This wouldn't be so sucky but my boyfriend works evenings, so we're essentially going to be having opposite schedules. Which sucks.
I also have the small problem of taking a week off in July (which I'm not sure I'll even have the full week off - I'm on the waiting list even though I asked off in FEBRUARY. I guess other people got there first, but still, damn) and then some more time in late August/early September for my trip to Idaho. The Idaho trip actually got pushed back which works out better since I can just take my leave of absence in early September, rather than a week off in August and then work til mid-September, but there's also rumors of a camping trip that my boyfriend's friends are planning that if invited (which I probably will be) I'll want to go really badly, but I don't know if I can take the time off work.
So. Kinda stressed. Doesn't help that I'm running on about 5 hours of sleep and worked this morning. I'm about ready for bed.
Normally I'm not even up for another hour. I tried to go to sleep at a decent hour (so, midnight - which isn't comforting when you have to be up at 6:30) but didn't fall asleep til closer to 1:30 or 2. I figured I'd be lucky to even sleep before 2, so yay for me.
Oh, and what's up with everyone's profile pic changing?? I don't know who half my usual forum-buddies are. I know Morrigan and Kovu (who comment a lot in the hopefuls group) have different ones and at first I was like, who are these people? Not that I have a problem with people changing their pictures, but talk about confusing. Yeesh.
Okay, so I'm going to stop rambling and take that nap now. If anyone wakes me up for no good reason, they are Going To Die. And if I feel ambitious when I wake up, I'll head over to campus and make my down payment on the Japan trip. Thankfully I get paid tomorrow, and then I'm going to dump a bunch of money into my credit card so I can get that down to a reasonable level (aka, $0) as soon as possible. I hate hate hate being in debt. Hate it.
Good news is that I'm picking up more work hours.
Bad news is, uh, well, a lot of things. One is that I didn't get accepted for a JASSO scholarship, which is a very lucrative scholarship awarded by the Japanese government. It works out to about a $1100ish 'settling in' expense stipend when you arrive and about $700 a month spending money after that. Yeah, fuckin sweet, I know. My coordinator said that 2 people got them, so hopefully my friend Eric (who is a drug-addled hippie to the max - but also crazy smart and a sweet guy) got one of them. He's going to Nanzan, not Tokyo like I am, but hopefully our week-long breaks at the end of October will match up and we can hang out.
However, not geting this scholarship creates the problem of being broke in Japan. As I said, I'm getting more work hours but I'm still afraid it won't be enough and I really, really, really really really reallllyyyyyy do not want to have to ask my mom for money. So I guess I'm going to bust my ass and see how things work out. I've already picked up probably 5+ hours in training during the coming week, so that will help. And I'm getting closer to finishing my 'CCA manual', which is jargon to anyone who doesn't work with me, but the bottom line is that once I'm done with it, I get a raise. So, yay.
Another problem with suddenly gaining work hours is the time they're at - the way my job works, I usually end up working early early mornings, and long weekends. So for the next couple of weeks I'm working a fair amount during the week (a couple hours a day, which I prefer to 2 8-hour shifts) but my weekends are shot. This wouldn't be so sucky but my boyfriend works evenings, so we're essentially going to be having opposite schedules. Which sucks.
I also have the small problem of taking a week off in July (which I'm not sure I'll even have the full week off - I'm on the waiting list even though I asked off in FEBRUARY. I guess other people got there first, but still, damn) and then some more time in late August/early September for my trip to Idaho. The Idaho trip actually got pushed back which works out better since I can just take my leave of absence in early September, rather than a week off in August and then work til mid-September, but there's also rumors of a camping trip that my boyfriend's friends are planning that if invited (which I probably will be) I'll want to go really badly, but I don't know if I can take the time off work.
So. Kinda stressed. Doesn't help that I'm running on about 5 hours of sleep and worked this morning. I'm about ready for bed.

Oh, and what's up with everyone's profile pic changing?? I don't know who half my usual forum-buddies are. I know Morrigan and Kovu (who comment a lot in the hopefuls group) have different ones and at first I was like, who are these people? Not that I have a problem with people changing their pictures, but talk about confusing. Yeesh.

Okay, so I'm going to stop rambling and take that nap now. If anyone wakes me up for no good reason, they are Going To Die. And if I feel ambitious when I wake up, I'll head over to campus and make my down payment on the Japan trip. Thankfully I get paid tomorrow, and then I'm going to dump a bunch of money into my credit card so I can get that down to a reasonable level (aka, $0) as soon as possible. I hate hate hate being in debt. Hate it.
Oh man, do you read Savage Love? Because a nurse that I work with (volunteering at a Planned Parenthood) was quoted in a recent one. It really excited me.
As for the whole Hopefuls thing... I dunno why I got so rant-y about it, but I just like to be clear about things if people don't know me that well.