Wedding was fun. Their awkward 'you may kiss the bride' kiss leads me to believe that the groom did keep good on his promise that he wouldn't even kiss her before they got married. I hope things go well for them, though. They're good people.
Found out some friends from the beginning of college got married recently as well. I was a freshman, Andrea was a junior or senior.. in any case, when we both moved out of the dorm we lived in, we stopped talking for some reason. I don't know why. Maybe we're both just really bad at keeping in touch. This marriage is not quite so weird for me since they've been dating as long as I can remember (so at least 3 years) and they're both done with school and all that. Maybe the whole my-friends-are-married-now-holy-crap thing just creeps me out because I can't imagine someone calling me their wife; I'm only 21. I'm still working on being an adult, much less one with all the shit that comes with an okay-we're-going-to-try-this-for-life relationship. Yeesh. Oh well, I guess I better get used to it. You're all spared photos as I didn't take many pictures during the ceremony and most of the ones during the reception were too dark, so people are really only recognizable if you know who they were in the first place.
Other than that, been bumming around. I've been grumpy this whole weekend. I think it's just the immense heat and being tired and running around like crazy and all that. I did clean up my apartment today which made me feel better. That's weird cause I hate cleaning, but hey. I also decided that I am most definitely laying down some sort of drop cloth or something next time I dye my hair, cause pretty much the only thing that gets atomic pink off my white toilet and sink is 20 minutes of furious hard scrubbing with a magic eraser. Not pleasant.
I was thinking about hopping in the shower but it just occurred to me I have my organic plugs in so um, I can't. So bath instead I guess. I need to figure out a good way to be able to wash my massive amounts of hair without risking my plugs, or having to not wash my hair for 3 days then take out the plugs, shower, and then force them back through cause that can't be good for my ears. Hmmm.
Found out some friends from the beginning of college got married recently as well. I was a freshman, Andrea was a junior or senior.. in any case, when we both moved out of the dorm we lived in, we stopped talking for some reason. I don't know why. Maybe we're both just really bad at keeping in touch. This marriage is not quite so weird for me since they've been dating as long as I can remember (so at least 3 years) and they're both done with school and all that. Maybe the whole my-friends-are-married-now-holy-crap thing just creeps me out because I can't imagine someone calling me their wife; I'm only 21. I'm still working on being an adult, much less one with all the shit that comes with an okay-we're-going-to-try-this-for-life relationship. Yeesh. Oh well, I guess I better get used to it. You're all spared photos as I didn't take many pictures during the ceremony and most of the ones during the reception were too dark, so people are really only recognizable if you know who they were in the first place.
Other than that, been bumming around. I've been grumpy this whole weekend. I think it's just the immense heat and being tired and running around like crazy and all that. I did clean up my apartment today which made me feel better. That's weird cause I hate cleaning, but hey. I also decided that I am most definitely laying down some sort of drop cloth or something next time I dye my hair, cause pretty much the only thing that gets atomic pink off my white toilet and sink is 20 minutes of furious hard scrubbing with a magic eraser. Not pleasant.
I was thinking about hopping in the shower but it just occurred to me I have my organic plugs in so um, I can't. So bath instead I guess. I need to figure out a good way to be able to wash my massive amounts of hair without risking my plugs, or having to not wash my hair for 3 days then take out the plugs, shower, and then force them back through cause that can't be good for my ears. Hmmm.
Thanks for supporting the cause against puppy mills, I really do think it's one of the saddest things in the world.
Anyway, have fun at work (as if anyone does *lol*), or try at least. Ooh, wedding sounds fun; I've never been to a wedding, and I don't want my own to be the first, so I really hope I'm invited to at least one before then! *lol*