Car died again. At this point, I think it would just be easier to move in with my boyfriend since he already is providing me with access to food, driving-ness and the internet. I'm seriously indebited to this guy - how did I end up so lucky? The guy I was screwing before him, as hot as he was and as much as I was totally head-over-ass for him, was the king of selfishness. There's no way he would've more or less let me stay over for 2-3 days straight, run my ass around, take me to get food, borrow his computer, hang out at his place while he's at work, and still have a social life. I don't begrudge my boy for wanting to do his usual Wednesday night drinking (I have my own Wednesday night crew) just because I'm stuck. Well, I'm a little annoyed but I make do. In any case it's not his fault that my car is crap and I can't get angry for him wanting to stick to his normal plans, especially when he is doing everything he can to help me out, including offering to take me out to my usual Wednesday night drinking place before heading off to his. Seriously, how sweet is that?
As for the computer situation, I've decided to purchase a new laptop. For the deals I can get from dell, I can get a new laptop (I want one when I go to Japan anyway for various reasons, the #1 being so that I can keep my computer running in English because my Japanese is not that good) for about twice as much as fixing my desktop. I have a friend that, I think, can copy over the shit from my current hard drive and so I won't lose all my music and whatnot. At least I hope so. In any case, that's another $700 or so right there... yeah woo. At least my mom is rocking my socks and helping me out with the car thing.
For the record, my mom is the coolest lady ever. I am by no means spoiled even though my mom helps out with a lot of stuff (rent, cell phone, insurance - my college education is fully funded by scholarships). I've been paying for my own clothes since I started working and took over paying for my own gas once I moved out (during high school I often drove my sisters around so I was given gas money for that), I buy my own food and pay my utilities. Although they're not so bad - I used about $1.50 worth of electricity in 3 weeks at my new place, but then again I wasn't living there full time. But still. In any case, my mom couldn't afford to go to college, made bad choices with her money, never had a decent car, etc. growing up. So she makes it a priority to help us girls out so that we can have freedoms that she never got. I guess that's what parents are for, right? So I am always eternally grateful to my parents for the help I receive from them. And from Davin right now, too. I'm surrounded by some really awesome people. So even though my life is kinda shitting on me recently, I'm still overall pretty damn happy.
As for the computer situation, I've decided to purchase a new laptop. For the deals I can get from dell, I can get a new laptop (I want one when I go to Japan anyway for various reasons, the #1 being so that I can keep my computer running in English because my Japanese is not that good) for about twice as much as fixing my desktop. I have a friend that, I think, can copy over the shit from my current hard drive and so I won't lose all my music and whatnot. At least I hope so. In any case, that's another $700 or so right there... yeah woo. At least my mom is rocking my socks and helping me out with the car thing.
For the record, my mom is the coolest lady ever. I am by no means spoiled even though my mom helps out with a lot of stuff (rent, cell phone, insurance - my college education is fully funded by scholarships). I've been paying for my own clothes since I started working and took over paying for my own gas once I moved out (during high school I often drove my sisters around so I was given gas money for that), I buy my own food and pay my utilities. Although they're not so bad - I used about $1.50 worth of electricity in 3 weeks at my new place, but then again I wasn't living there full time. But still. In any case, my mom couldn't afford to go to college, made bad choices with her money, never had a decent car, etc. growing up. So she makes it a priority to help us girls out so that we can have freedoms that she never got. I guess that's what parents are for, right? So I am always eternally grateful to my parents for the help I receive from them. And from Davin right now, too. I'm surrounded by some really awesome people. So even though my life is kinda shitting on me recently, I'm still overall pretty damn happy.

It's cool that you have loving mom, I know a lot of people who aren't so lucky. My mom is generous and helpfull to if a little over-protective. Unfortunately, my Dad died when I was twelve and I still miss him.
He used to read whole novels to me and it's one of the best memories of my childhood. My step dad is cool but he's no replacement.

Seems like you have a def keeper.
Things will come together eventually. When is the Japan trip?