So I've been posting a lot here. You'll probably be hearing a lot more from me because yesterday, my car died. Pretty sure the alternator crapped out on me. My friend from Japanese class, not exactly the brightest in the box, didn't understand why this was such a problem. First he tried to tell me that the alternator is what keeps my car running so if it died, my car would stop. I informed him that it's the engine that keeps it running - your alternator charges your battery. My battery is completely dead (my car won't even attempt to start) because my alternator is no longer charging my battery. But I can still go places if I get a jump. He said, 'Why not just do that?' and I was like 'Because I don't want to have to call a friend to come start my car anytime I want to go somewhere..?' And I drive A LOT. So much for hauling shit over to the new apartment this weekend, I guess. Appointment for Monday at 8.
Semi-thankfully my weekend is full of nothing. Usually I'd be working my ass off on the weekends, but today we had exactly 4 guys check in. That's it, that's all we have for the weekend. 4 guys. Granted, they have toooonnss of blood draws and things, but still. One study. Four people. Doesn't take that much staff. Unfortunately, I still had to find a way to class this morning even though my composition test was optional and Spanish is always skippable. (I ended up doing some finagling and borrowing my boyfriend's car. I really liked driving it; it drives so much like my old car that my baby sister now drives. If it weren't for the fact that the ceiling in that car is falling down and it can't make long trips, I'd still be driving it.) I wanted to take the test because hey, write a short essay in Japanese about your favorite gift ever. And Spanish, well, we learned about a week ago that your attendance was part of your participation grade. Oops. There was a few weeks in there that I only went once every couple of weeks cause I was busy with other things. So I wanted to be there. But anyway, got there and back no problem. Davin failed to inform me, however, that his rearview mirror falls off sometimes. So between scratching up the professor's car (I still need to call my insurance company) and my car dying, and then 'breaking' the rearview mirror.. I do not deal well with cars right now.
Now, the trick was getting to work, as boyfriend had to be at his work at 1:30. I had to be at my work at 4. I ended up getting a ride from a good-friend-almost-future-boyfriend-but-I-chose-this-other-guy-instead, and then Davin picked me up from work. Davin had one of his clients with him (he works with high-functioning mentally handicapped adults) and it made me happy to see how he interacts with 'the kids'. Because seriously. I know a lot of patient, nice, friendly guys. Davin tops that list. In any case, we have psuedo-plans for the evening but his brother will be in town so nobody really knows what's going on.
So that's that. I'm stuck here until whenever. My mom is coming down on Sunday, hopefully bringing my little sister who I adore, to help me move. Course, it'll be harder with my car being d-e-d but we'll see what we can do. I have a very very very important meeting on Sunday night that I have to go to though, which is the end-of-year meeting for my sex ed group. I love these guys dearly. Most of us have spent 2 years together trying to fight for comprehensive sexual education on our campus, handing out condoms and things. Some of them are graduating this spring, and some will be graduating in December when I'm in Japan. So I probably won't ever see them again. But the (very silly) important thing is that my pseudo-ex is also in this group and it may very well be the last time I ever see him. We did the 'we're going to be friends' thing after our 'breakup', since we were never official. We actually hung out a few times that week, and sometimes we run into each other on the way to class and we talk. But whenever it's more than just me and him, it always gets superawkward. I'm frustrated because I DO want to be friends, and I used to put forth the effort. But I always got a 'I'm busy' (which I understand, since he's a TA for anatomy and a pre-med student) or 'No thanks' or 'We'll see' followed by a non-existent phone call. So after a while I just said, fuck it. If he wants to hang out with me, he has my number. I'm on his myspace and facebook. We have many mutual friends. It is very, very easy to get ahold of me. It's possible we might run into each other at a party or two this summer, but I only retained a handful of my friends that I met through him. (As in, ones who will actually bother me to party and stuff.) This is fine, I guess. It sucks cause I always feel like such a leech when it comes to my socially-active-boyfriends's friends (my last official ex was not social at all, which was one of the many factors in our breakup), but I honestly have very few close friends of my own, most of which are graduating next week, and we generally hang out one-on-one anyway. Although ironically, my social life skyrocketed when I moved out of the dorms, unlike most people's which kind of dies.
I wish I could have more friends through work but honestly, I'm too weird for them. I enjoy the people I work with but on the whole they tend to be very gossipy and cliqueish which I got enough of in junior high, thank you very much. Although one of my boy's friends just got hired, so I have someone that can be in my social circle at work who can relate more to me. (Thankfully my work is highly tolerant of modded people, though I don't think they'd be superexcited about a huuuge number of facial piercings or entire sleeves. But I am one of the least modded of the modded there, with the exception of my hair which is the only unnatural color in the place. Everyone either has multiple piercings/tattoos, or nothing. It's kind of funny. But I like working in a place that's like 'we don't care what you look like as long as you can get the job done'. And really, I'd say a good quarter of our participants are mildly to heavily modded which makes me a happy kitty.)
This got way longer than I intended, so I'm going to go browse youtube for the opening of last nights The Office. I love The Office. It's hysterical. It's too bad that I'm not going to be making any more Japanese skits for class, or else my next one would be in the style of The Office. Yep.
Oh, and since I added this yesterday and want to show it off, here's a pic of my sweet ass In Utero tattoo. (This pic is huuuge)
Semi-thankfully my weekend is full of nothing. Usually I'd be working my ass off on the weekends, but today we had exactly 4 guys check in. That's it, that's all we have for the weekend. 4 guys. Granted, they have toooonnss of blood draws and things, but still. One study. Four people. Doesn't take that much staff. Unfortunately, I still had to find a way to class this morning even though my composition test was optional and Spanish is always skippable. (I ended up doing some finagling and borrowing my boyfriend's car. I really liked driving it; it drives so much like my old car that my baby sister now drives. If it weren't for the fact that the ceiling in that car is falling down and it can't make long trips, I'd still be driving it.) I wanted to take the test because hey, write a short essay in Japanese about your favorite gift ever. And Spanish, well, we learned about a week ago that your attendance was part of your participation grade. Oops. There was a few weeks in there that I only went once every couple of weeks cause I was busy with other things. So I wanted to be there. But anyway, got there and back no problem. Davin failed to inform me, however, that his rearview mirror falls off sometimes. So between scratching up the professor's car (I still need to call my insurance company) and my car dying, and then 'breaking' the rearview mirror.. I do not deal well with cars right now.

Now, the trick was getting to work, as boyfriend had to be at his work at 1:30. I had to be at my work at 4. I ended up getting a ride from a good-friend-almost-future-boyfriend-but-I-chose-this-other-guy-instead, and then Davin picked me up from work. Davin had one of his clients with him (he works with high-functioning mentally handicapped adults) and it made me happy to see how he interacts with 'the kids'. Because seriously. I know a lot of patient, nice, friendly guys. Davin tops that list. In any case, we have psuedo-plans for the evening but his brother will be in town so nobody really knows what's going on.
So that's that. I'm stuck here until whenever. My mom is coming down on Sunday, hopefully bringing my little sister who I adore, to help me move. Course, it'll be harder with my car being d-e-d but we'll see what we can do. I have a very very very important meeting on Sunday night that I have to go to though, which is the end-of-year meeting for my sex ed group. I love these guys dearly. Most of us have spent 2 years together trying to fight for comprehensive sexual education on our campus, handing out condoms and things. Some of them are graduating this spring, and some will be graduating in December when I'm in Japan. So I probably won't ever see them again. But the (very silly) important thing is that my pseudo-ex is also in this group and it may very well be the last time I ever see him. We did the 'we're going to be friends' thing after our 'breakup', since we were never official. We actually hung out a few times that week, and sometimes we run into each other on the way to class and we talk. But whenever it's more than just me and him, it always gets superawkward. I'm frustrated because I DO want to be friends, and I used to put forth the effort. But I always got a 'I'm busy' (which I understand, since he's a TA for anatomy and a pre-med student) or 'No thanks' or 'We'll see' followed by a non-existent phone call. So after a while I just said, fuck it. If he wants to hang out with me, he has my number. I'm on his myspace and facebook. We have many mutual friends. It is very, very easy to get ahold of me. It's possible we might run into each other at a party or two this summer, but I only retained a handful of my friends that I met through him. (As in, ones who will actually bother me to party and stuff.) This is fine, I guess. It sucks cause I always feel like such a leech when it comes to my socially-active-boyfriends's friends (my last official ex was not social at all, which was one of the many factors in our breakup), but I honestly have very few close friends of my own, most of which are graduating next week, and we generally hang out one-on-one anyway. Although ironically, my social life skyrocketed when I moved out of the dorms, unlike most people's which kind of dies.
I wish I could have more friends through work but honestly, I'm too weird for them. I enjoy the people I work with but on the whole they tend to be very gossipy and cliqueish which I got enough of in junior high, thank you very much. Although one of my boy's friends just got hired, so I have someone that can be in my social circle at work who can relate more to me. (Thankfully my work is highly tolerant of modded people, though I don't think they'd be superexcited about a huuuge number of facial piercings or entire sleeves. But I am one of the least modded of the modded there, with the exception of my hair which is the only unnatural color in the place. Everyone either has multiple piercings/tattoos, or nothing. It's kind of funny. But I like working in a place that's like 'we don't care what you look like as long as you can get the job done'. And really, I'd say a good quarter of our participants are mildly to heavily modded which makes me a happy kitty.)
This got way longer than I intended, so I'm going to go browse youtube for the opening of last nights The Office. I love The Office. It's hysterical. It's too bad that I'm not going to be making any more Japanese skits for class, or else my next one would be in the style of The Office. Yep.
Oh, and since I added this yesterday and want to show it off, here's a pic of my sweet ass In Utero tattoo. (This pic is huuuge)
Cool Tattoo!
Acctually, when your altenator goes out, it can cause your car to die too. As in, stop running while its already turned on. It happened to one of my friends driving home from work one night not too long ago.