today im feeling rather random, so hold on to your shorts this could be a wild ride...
It is way to early in the morning for me to be awake and functional, the info-mecials are still on tv for crying out loud... im going to take that as a glaring sign that I need to get a life... and probably ignore it.
What ever happened to saturday morning cartoons? instead im stuck with saturday morning info-mecials. woot. I think ive seen the scam-wow commercial so many times I could recite it backwards in my sleep.
stupid idiot box... grumble grumble
on my random surfings of the interwebs I stumbled across the always beautiful Ajilee's set 'how to fake an orgasm' and let me say this... not only is it an amazing set (major brownie points to who ever came up with the idea on that one... their a creative genius in the making, im sure of it.) but it prompted an amusing thought process for me. heh, before I forget (as I seem to have the attention span of a squirrel)... heres the link to this amazing set that I keep raving about... 'how to fake an orgasm'
now the reason I find this all so amusing is because when I stumbled across the set, I was reminded of a friend (whom im sure is going to kick my knees for this, but its worth it) he had tied while playing 'punk rock bingo' at our favorite bar/place of debauchery and in the case of a tie, they usually try to get one to do embarrassing things to see who wins the prize. In the words of the host 'if you think your the coolest person in a bingo hall, you need to get a fuckin life... and I got no prizes for you'. Anyways... back to the story; the tie breaker in this case was to fake an orgasm, the best fake orgasm won...
...lets just say my friend needs instruction in this department, and I think that this set would do him a great educational service.
he got up to the mic and the bar goes quiet.... drum roll please.... he says 'as a male I lack the required parts to fake an orgasm'. needless to say... he lost his epic bingo prize, and probably thought he was the coolest person in the bar while doing it.
while we're on the random train...
also while mindlessly browsing the interwebs, I stumbled across these, and thought that they are just too gorgeous not to share.
skulls and roses
you see, I have just recently stretched my ears again so I was browsing for new jewlery and came across those works of art.
... random and a little bit odd, I know. ( my mum reminds me on a daily basis lol)
and it appears that my thought process train has crashed at the station... so thats all folks.
and I promise I will try to update this train wreck that is my blog more often... even if its just random mental blabbing, much like this one lol.
Love to hear your thoughts!
*much love*
It is way to early in the morning for me to be awake and functional, the info-mecials are still on tv for crying out loud... im going to take that as a glaring sign that I need to get a life... and probably ignore it.
What ever happened to saturday morning cartoons? instead im stuck with saturday morning info-mecials. woot. I think ive seen the scam-wow commercial so many times I could recite it backwards in my sleep.
stupid idiot box... grumble grumble

on my random surfings of the interwebs I stumbled across the always beautiful Ajilee's set 'how to fake an orgasm' and let me say this... not only is it an amazing set (major brownie points to who ever came up with the idea on that one... their a creative genius in the making, im sure of it.) but it prompted an amusing thought process for me. heh, before I forget (as I seem to have the attention span of a squirrel)... heres the link to this amazing set that I keep raving about... 'how to fake an orgasm'
now the reason I find this all so amusing is because when I stumbled across the set, I was reminded of a friend (whom im sure is going to kick my knees for this, but its worth it) he had tied while playing 'punk rock bingo' at our favorite bar/place of debauchery and in the case of a tie, they usually try to get one to do embarrassing things to see who wins the prize. In the words of the host 'if you think your the coolest person in a bingo hall, you need to get a fuckin life... and I got no prizes for you'. Anyways... back to the story; the tie breaker in this case was to fake an orgasm, the best fake orgasm won...
...lets just say my friend needs instruction in this department, and I think that this set would do him a great educational service.

he got up to the mic and the bar goes quiet.... drum roll please.... he says 'as a male I lack the required parts to fake an orgasm'. needless to say... he lost his epic bingo prize, and probably thought he was the coolest person in the bar while doing it.
while we're on the random train...
also while mindlessly browsing the interwebs, I stumbled across these, and thought that they are just too gorgeous not to share.
skulls and roses
you see, I have just recently stretched my ears again so I was browsing for new jewlery and came across those works of art.
... random and a little bit odd, I know. ( my mum reminds me on a daily basis lol)
and it appears that my thought process train has crashed at the station... so thats all folks.
and I promise I will try to update this train wreck that is my blog more often... even if its just random mental blabbing, much like this one lol.
Love to hear your thoughts!
*much love*