well, whats new in the world of Alyx you ask?
Heres the quick and dirty of it....
~The new tattie is done... it was an awesome experience; so awesome infact, I got two, the full back piece and a smaller one on my thigh...Thanks to everyone for the encouragement and words of support!
~I am now a college grad (YAY)... and im such a sucker for punishment, ive re-enrolled to finish my masters degree too... I know, I wonder about my sanity most days too.
~I got a new Kitty
, and believe it or not he causes more shit & chaos around the house than I do! (didnt think that was possible... but I stand corrected.) pics of the crazy kitteh are in my photo section under random photos.
~Im going to be going on a fun filled adventure to mexico for a week in a few days... and while im there I plan on doing a shoot... so keep your eyes peeled.
~One of my parents discovered my suicide girls involvement...
*EEK* After the initial shock was over I found it to be really quite amusing... quote " you really must have been adopted... no one else in the family is good enough looking for that... I wonder where you got your looks from anyways..." LOL. What is a person supposed to say to that?! so I pose a question to all of you out there in S.G. land; Have you ever had an instance such as this, or am I just some sort of crazy unlucky enomoly?
and was your experience as stupidly amusing as mine?
~While im on the topic of stupid amusement... I had a remarkably embarrasing incedent at school that involved getting some slightly toxic material stuck in my hair... (Im graceful like a swan, I know.) So Ive since chopped it into a rad mohawk! (im trying to make lemonade out of lemons here... so no rude coments like bald chicks are ugly or anything like that... Still adjusting to the new look. lol) Take a boo at the piccy and let me know what you think, and if I should keep it or grow it out... or for that matter, what style of hair you might like to see me try out, Thanks tons!
Anyways... I'm out...
as always, MUCH LOVE!!!!
Heres the quick and dirty of it....
~The new tattie is done... it was an awesome experience; so awesome infact, I got two, the full back piece and a smaller one on my thigh...Thanks to everyone for the encouragement and words of support!

~I am now a college grad (YAY)... and im such a sucker for punishment, ive re-enrolled to finish my masters degree too... I know, I wonder about my sanity most days too.
~I got a new Kitty

~Im going to be going on a fun filled adventure to mexico for a week in a few days... and while im there I plan on doing a shoot... so keep your eyes peeled.

~One of my parents discovered my suicide girls involvement...

~While im on the topic of stupid amusement... I had a remarkably embarrasing incedent at school that involved getting some slightly toxic material stuck in my hair... (Im graceful like a swan, I know.) So Ive since chopped it into a rad mohawk! (im trying to make lemonade out of lemons here... so no rude coments like bald chicks are ugly or anything like that... Still adjusting to the new look. lol) Take a boo at the piccy and let me know what you think, and if I should keep it or grow it out... or for that matter, what style of hair you might like to see me try out, Thanks tons!

Anyways... I'm out...
as always, MUCH LOVE!!!!

I think you look fucking stunning!!!! Absolutely fucking sensationally sexy!!!
Do a set with your hair like that while you've got it!!! ;-)