My new favorite candy is Stawberried Peanut Butter M&M's. I'm going to take some pics in my costume tomorrow morning then hopefully I'll post them on here for you all to see! it's not a set, it's just me trying to get some new pics up because it's been FOREVER since I've done a pic update.

oh and this last one is for a fan of mine

yea...i know it's back words on cam but it's the thought that counts!! <3

oh and this last one is for a fan of mine

yea...i know it's back words on cam but it's the thought that counts!! <3
Why are you SO damn adorable?! Cuteness overload...
whew. I feel better now 

your puppy is so cute!! jack russell? im gonna have to check out those strawberry p-nut butter m&ms. sponds tasty!!