First things first: Thank you everyone for commenting on my newest set!! Lets hope this one goes pink! I'm planning on going down to Portland very soon to do another set, perhaps get my Halloween set all ready to go cause it takes about a month sometimes for the sets to be released into member review.
Second!!!! I got a new job! I still work at Party City but I just found out today that I will be working at Abercrombie & Fitch starting next week!! Yay for me! Hopefully this will help me to keep my head above water as far as the bills and debt goes. Whew!
Keep the good comments rollin on it everyone, thank you so much, I read every one of them by the way, I don't just sit and not read them and I love it when I see that there are new comments on my sets! lol. ok gonna go celebrate now!
<3 Alyss
Second!!!! I got a new job! I still work at Party City but I just found out today that I will be working at Abercrombie & Fitch starting next week!! Yay for me! Hopefully this will help me to keep my head above water as far as the bills and debt goes. Whew!
Keep the good comments rollin on it everyone, thank you so much, I read every one of them by the way, I don't just sit and not read them and I love it when I see that there are new comments on my sets! lol. ok gonna go celebrate now!
<3 Alyss
Hi! You should really post your set in a thread in the Hopefuls group so other girls can give you tips on how to do your next set! Their advice is wonderful!
Congrats on the new job and I want to see your pretty face in portland very soon