TWO AND A HALF HOURS UNTIL MEMBER REVIEW!!! WOOHOO!! Plus Coraline comes out today, if no one buys it off my wish list I'm going to beg for money from my mom to buy it haha. It comes with 3 pairs of 3D glasses cause one disc is in 3D. WHICH IS BADASS.
OMG I'm sooooooo excited, I totally forgot my set comes out at like 2:29am today. weird time for it to be released but hey, I'm happy. I hope you are all VERY excited too! This set stars Ginjer and I, two new friends getting to know each other
. It's really cute and very sexy all at once. I look like a giant though haha. I'm 5'7".
Hey, I have 1 more pound to lose until I reach my goal, Wii Fit told me so
I love that game. Because of it I worked out for 40 minutes straight on the strength training and yoga exercises. Tryin to get toned for Vegas in two weeks. my pants already don't fit anymore
and I LOVE my new pants too...They are white skinny jeans, I'll have to model 'em sometime
Please leave me love on the new set!
<3 Alyss
OMG I'm sooooooo excited, I totally forgot my set comes out at like 2:29am today. weird time for it to be released but hey, I'm happy. I hope you are all VERY excited too! This set stars Ginjer and I, two new friends getting to know each other

Hey, I have 1 more pound to lose until I reach my goal, Wii Fit told me so

Please leave me love on the new set!
<3 Alyss
Your set was worth every second of the wait! I got the first comment. 

great set! two hotties!