-sigh- I have been so very tired lately...today my mom and I got pedicures and saw a movie, it was really nice. I have been very stressed lately, I'm scared that I wont come up with the money for my can and now I can't afford to pay for my meds...so I shall be depressed a whole lot now. It sucks because it makes me even more tired to be depressed. I hate being stuck in the rut, I need a way out. I have filled out some job apps and even some online and I'll be turning in the hand-filled out ones this week. I hope i get a new job, i need a change of scenery and some more money-OBVIOUSLY.
My set comes out in almost a month, July 21st! And I have another one I want to submit but my photographer is going to edit some stuff for me which is really very nice of her
Thanks Nikki you are awesome.
My birthday is June 30th, I'll be 22. I have no idea what I want for my birthday, I wish i could just show my wish list to my family lol. That'd be weird though. Bai guys!
<3 Alyss
My set comes out in almost a month, July 21st! And I have another one I want to submit but my photographer is going to edit some stuff for me which is really very nice of her

My birthday is June 30th, I'll be 22. I have no idea what I want for my birthday, I wish i could just show my wish list to my family lol. That'd be weird though. Bai guys!
<3 Alyss

- Money
- A new job
- A way out
Good luck baby