ive been thinking a lot about whether or not i want to apply to be a suicide girl.
they say that if you have ANY doubts about family members, friends, etc to not even do it.
i think doing it would give me a great boost of confidence in myself and make me like myself a bit more.
im sure my family would be shocked at first but theyd get over it.
theres been worse things happen to our family, thats for sure.
its just getting up the guts to actually get up and DO IT.
im a little scared to be naked on the internet but i think itd also be an adrenaline rush.
plus, im not going to have this body forever!
hmmmm idkkkkkkkkk

they say that if you have ANY doubts about family members, friends, etc to not even do it.
i think doing it would give me a great boost of confidence in myself and make me like myself a bit more.
im sure my family would be shocked at first but theyd get over it.
theres been worse things happen to our family, thats for sure.
its just getting up the guts to actually get up and DO IT.
im a little scared to be naked on the internet but i think itd also be an adrenaline rush.
plus, im not going to have this body forever!
hmmmm idkkkkkkkkk

ill make them for sure =]