just thought id update.
last weekend was a good weekend.
got to see my girlfriend and eat tmnt ice cream in the park.
did a photoshoot with miss tahnee.
went swimminggg
ate some good food.
saw a totally awesome movie called twisted: a balloonamentary. it was a documentary about balloon artists.
im still looking for a job which sucks majorly. i hate that our economy...
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last weekend was a good weekend.
got to see my girlfriend and eat tmnt ice cream in the park.
did a photoshoot with miss tahnee.
went swimminggg
ate some good food.
saw a totally awesome movie called twisted: a balloonamentary. it was a documentary about balloon artists.
im still looking for a job which sucks majorly. i hate that our economy...
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my boyfriend left for LA today.
i miss him already. im ready for him to get back already so i can shower him with attention.
im still contemplating the SG thing. i think i've decided that i'm going to go ahead and shoot a set and then decide where to go from there. i know that i want to do it. thats what should matter...
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i miss him already. im ready for him to get back already so i can shower him with attention.
im still contemplating the SG thing. i think i've decided that i'm going to go ahead and shoot a set and then decide where to go from there. i know that i want to do it. thats what should matter...
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ive been thinking a lot about whether or not i want to apply to be a suicide girl.
they say that if you have ANY doubts about family members, friends, etc to not even do it.
i think doing it would give me a great boost of confidence in myself and make me like myself a bit more.
im sure my family would be shocked...
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they say that if you have ANY doubts about family members, friends, etc to not even do it.
i think doing it would give me a great boost of confidence in myself and make me like myself a bit more.
im sure my family would be shocked...
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what do you want them to say
ill make them for sure =]
ill make them for sure =]
i love you so so muchhhh
Love the hair.
you're very pretty.
i drank too much last night.
does your head still hurt?

Madness. ^_^
absolutely stunning
my attemp at being fabulous.
with the splash of blond, do you still have it ?