root canal went well for the most part. the owner or whatever was handling the paperwork that day and spent a solid 20 minutes trying to convince me to use my secondary insurance. i had to repeat over and over and over that NO i was told NOT TO DO THAT. he didnt understand how my flex card worked and honestly i should have just called it a credit card. he was so worried he wasn't going to get paid or some shit.
by the time the insurance and payment was all taken care of and just after my first xray, my dentist dr park, tells me "yeah you need root canal" (exactly like that, he had an accent and not a sexy one) NO SHIT YOU TWAT. i arrived at the building half an hour early at 1:30. i wasn't prepped for the RC until 3:30. when they went to numb my jaw/tooth, i freaked out. major huge panic attack. i was low on caffeine, nicotine, and my emergency xanax had worn off. i could not stop crying and was having trouble breathing. they had no idea what to do.

they tried to ask me questions and when i was unable to answer, they left me alone for a while.
once the panic attack was over, they helped me put my headphones in and i listened to Beethoven's 6th and one piece of his 9th. really loud. even though they were drilling into my tooth, i couldn't hear it. at all. just felt it. it's a very odd feeling to know that your bone is being drilled into and against and you feel it happen but it doesn't hurt. the worst parts were 1) when he heated the drill and i could smell MY TOOTH BURNING. SMOKE CAME OUT OF MY MOUTH LIKE I WAS SMAUG OR SOME SHIT. it would have been neat if not for the smell. and 2) when its over and you finally get that rubber bite-plate out of your mouth and you get to actually swallow so you try a sip of water and your mouth is full of tooth shavings. horrible experience. i walked away with pain in my upper cheek just above the tooth and near my eye and a script for amoxicillin. no pain killers. the jerks. i cried in my car for a good ten minutes or more before i went to walmart to get my medicine, some nyquil (basically bcuz it would help me sleep but also had pain killer in it in liquid form) and some pudding and spaghettios.
when all is said and done, it wasn't nearly as bad as i expected and beethoven really helped. if it ever happens again, i will be demanding at least 3 days worth of pain killers though. that part was a big rough. but as long as i'm allowed my ipod, i think i could handle another root canal without any panic attack. so yay!
i had a friend visit from oregon. she's actually visiting family but she had a sleepover with me. it was a lot of fun and i'd def hang out with her again. we drank a lot and watched sherlock. typical thing for me, really.
i leave to see reekie two weeks from tomorrow. big ol' camping trip.
and yes, i'm excited for hockey. until games are going that i can watch or listen to or attend, it's still the off season and there's still off season rumors and drama and lies and stupid shit to deal with. i'm not one of those people shitting everywhere in excitement because hockey's here in a couple weeks. not to mention, my dad still hasn't decided on cable or satellite and also needs to decide if he's getting center ice or not. i offered to pay half of center ice as long as i live here. but considering i can't even see the specials on NHLN or AltTV, it's no big deal to me. except i do give a fuck where timmy goes. i hope it's not somewhere dumb. i'd love to see him in philly though. or here but i don't totally hate my goalie tandem or the backups. varly isn't the best though. i truly believe the avs could get better. but also timmy wants a starting position after not playing for a year at like 39 i think. he truly is insane. anyways.
i accidentally turned a dedication blog into a person one. whoops.
have a good week.
You are right, I hardly get on regularly, anymore.
Anyway you know I love ya, and I am happy you finally were able to get that tooth taking care of! That has been a bother for like half of our friendship =-p
I miss you and I cant wait to see you in 10 days! I am ready to make more memories! <3