Bruins swept the Penguins. I'm still pretty in shock about it. Never thought it would be a sweep.
Of course that night, Reekie and I were reminded of this:

And so we decided to try and recreate it.

It was a fun night. She still owes me a study date though. We missed thanks to 2OT in the Hawks/Kings game. Also, Hawks fans might want to just not speak to me for a while lol.
Photo Dump:
Ummmmm Canadian shirt sizes for women run REALLY small.
I went to Ikea for the first time EVER and it was HEAVEN.
I'm learning Czech but can't type the sparkly accents on my laptop. Damn American keyboards.
I move in less than two weeks.
My Bruins gameday Jagr poster is here. My Dallas one will be here soon. Along with my CzechMate poster from like 1992. And eventually a game day poster from Game 4 of the Eastern Conf Finals. I have frames for the game day posters and they're gonna look so cool in my new room. Excited to decorate a room based on what *I* like and not trying to please someone else. Yes, I will eventually have a Harry Styles poster in there too because FUCK BEING AN ADULT.
I hope to get some used goalie sticks someday and cross them on my wall. Wouldn't that be so cool?
Mom sent me an expensive necklace for no reason.
Oh I bought a Stars shirt too. Like, the Dallas kind. I'm glad I did because that new logo is UGLY AS SIN.
Still trying to move to Arizona. Can't for a few more months I guess. We'll see. Maybe by then I can find a roommate somewhere else instead of living in a studio in a small town where there are ZERO jobs. Whatever happens happens. I keep thinking about moving to Boston but the idea of having to go THAT. FAR. just to get Bryz outside to poop?! Like it's not just open your door and go outside and that's what I'm used to. And I'm really bad with stairs. I can go up just fine. Going down? My knees buckle and try to give out. I almost fell at Ikea. And like my dad was watching me hobble down the damn stairs, hand grasping the handrail for dear life and fucking judged me and told me to hurry up. It would have been faster for me to just sit down and go down the stairs on my butt. It's a serious problem.
Also someday I should get my heat sensitivity checked out. I can't go back to being up all night just because the day time makes me sick. Like my tummy feels like it's going to projectile itself out of my throat and I feel like I'm going to faint. Like just pass out. Anywhere. Problem is that doctors assume its my weight and its not. It was just as bad when I was 50lbs lighter. But no, it MUST be the weight.
Anyways enough rambling. I'm gonna go get some cheetos and pop in Assassin's Creed 3. Finally logged into my own xbox account a few weeks before moving lol. I need all those achievments I unlocked in my dad's account.
xoxox Aly
p.s. EVERY MALE IN MY LIFE RIGHT NOW IS ABSOLUTELY INSANE. Jesus and the donkey motherfucker.
p.p.s. Don't forget to follow me on Vine (Alyeska) and Instagram (Alyeska_) but avoid twitter if you don't like someone live tweeted hockey games.