Happy blog time. I told you I'd have one today!
I really was just exhausted last night. Fell asleep to Forrest Gump again. It was even cold enough to sleep in a jersey again. I cuddled with BOTH teddy bears. Even though I was upset and a bit stressed, I ended up very relaxed. Fell asleep quite quickly.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
I woke up this morning an hour before my alarm feeling rested and content. While, in the last few years, this would be a rare moment for me.... the last few weeks have seen quite a bit of this. I'm sure the diet and exercise are helping my body feel rested at night, all three of those things (diet, exercise, and good sleep) are really improving my mood. I've been slacking on my multivitamins though. I think that would help even more.
My situation is really shitty. It leads to some frustrated nights fighting back tears and trying to avoid getting in a fight with an unstable alcoholic with a deep hatred of women, but it could always be worse. It could be better, but it could be worse. I've been applying for jobs here and there. I try to apply for at least one a day, after my workout and my Latin lessons. Nothing so far. It doesn't help that my phone RARELY accepts incoming calls. I really need to get it replaced. I'm hoping to get that phone call taken care of on Monday. The biggest problem will be getting Verizon to address it to my dad, and not me. Or at least both. The mailman here seems to dislike delivering mail to me at my dad's place.
But.... I have a phone that at least HELPS keep me connected. I have a loving and interesting dog. I have a roof. And food. A car. I have language lessons. I have coffee and television and the means to afford healthy food. I have Reekie. I have teddybears and a faux-silk zebra pillowcase. I have my ricebags that I make. I have very good bath products and pretty nail polish. I have most of my jerseys. I have a soft blanket. I have a laptop with internet. While the emotional toll here is high, there is little more I could truly ask for outside of a job.
I'm slowly re-learning to constantly see nothing but silver linings. It can be exhausting sometimes. But, like confidence and muscles, if you don't use it all the time and constantly work at it..... it goes away. I am on a path to great things.
I have to drive to Laramie again today. Thankfully I get to drive my own car this time. That Trailblazer almost killed me. Bad part is, my car doesn't have cruise control and my dad will sit there and bitch about it for almost 3 hours the whole way up. But the way home is just me, my car, my ipod, and the long stretch of interstate. I love long road trips, even by myself. So to have fun, I must first work.
I should note that I woke up to some awesome things on my phone. Two great friends of mine asking about joining me and Reekie as we run away to nowhere. Cattie with news about Shane Doan, which I turned in to a joke about him coming to my place for endless sex..... because, well, its Shane Doan and and then something not especially sweet but still nice from a person of the male variety. Just someone I like hearing from.
Still trying to decide if I'm going to wear my Avs, Yotes, or Bs jersey for the roadtrip. I love my Bs jersey but wearing a Thomas jersey during election season seems dirty. Lord, look at me rambling.
Wanna see some neat things?
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
As you all should know, I posted this a while ago:
Still get all fingirly about it sometimes.
And then this happened:
I know he tweets to like... a LOT of people but STILL OMFG FANGIRL TIME MUCH? WEEEEE
I just kind of have a crush on Wil Wheaton ok?
And then THIS happened. The best so far.
This doesn't mean much to anyone else, really. But I had a mini-convo with Bryan Hogan.
He used to play in Lincoln. That's al far as I'll get into it except that I used to be a big fan of his.
He keeps tweeting sad things. Makes me sad. And I'm not good at cheering people up.
But maybe I'm some help now and then. Idk. I'm just a little fangirl sometimes.
Now if only Luongo would reply to Cattie and me.
Yes. This avid Bruins fan has flirted with Luongo via twitter. I'm not ashamed at all. He is HILARIOUS. Actually, a lot of my Bruins-twitter friends agree.
Moving on.
So twitter makes me happy. Not to mention all of my fab friends I have there. I love them. They make me happy.
Hopefully seeing Reekie soon. Her graduation ceremony is coming up. And her Sister CANNOT miss that.
I'm done rambling lol. Sorry this is so long. Coffee, plus a good night's sleep, plus trying to be happyhappyjoyjoy means Alyeska BLOGS FORRRRRR DAYS.
p.s. I LOVE YOU Harajuku!!!
Ok. I have to go get pretty and clean out the car for my dad. Talk to ya'll later.
xoxoxo Alyeska