Listening to Archer (and maybe watching a little) while I try to wake up.
I was up a little late last night. Worth every minute. But still.
Getting ready to drive 13-14 hours or so.
The last time I drove that long was Lincoln to Ft Hood.
Ft Hood to Phoenix wasn't even this bad.
BUT the cool thing is, it's a new drive for me. I love those.
And then once I hit Kearney/Hastings it won't be too strange to me.
Once I hit Lincoln I will know the drive 100%.
I hope it goes by fast. I have like $10 worth of little snack packs of nuts.
Figured it was a good choice for energy.
Also some beef jerky.
And waaattteerrr.
I should be ok.
Bryzly knows I'm leaving and is actually kinda being sweet.
I hope I don't miss her too much.
If only I could get a move on with... you know... moving the fuck out of here.
Like, yesterday.
Or right now. But shit sucks and then you die.
I'll get to Boston eventually.
ANYWAYS I guess I should get going.
I need to get to Reekie so she can rub my back for me.
And my feet, that will be sore.
And she can play with my hair.
And let me sleep on a GOD DAMN bed.
And also cuddle me while I ramble on about nothing.
And also listen to me talk about Paolo.
And then go shopping with me for a ping pong paddle.
She doesn't know it, but I already have breath strips LOLOLOL
Ok I really need to eat something and finish and leave.
Have a great Thursday.
I'm gonna be driving through pretty much the entire Coyotes game
Will post when Reekie lets me on her computer. I hope. My password is all fucked.
I'll change it before I leave.
Otherwise there's always twitter
xoxoxoxo Alyeska
I was up a little late last night. Worth every minute. But still.
Getting ready to drive 13-14 hours or so.
The last time I drove that long was Lincoln to Ft Hood.
Ft Hood to Phoenix wasn't even this bad.
BUT the cool thing is, it's a new drive for me. I love those.
And then once I hit Kearney/Hastings it won't be too strange to me.
Once I hit Lincoln I will know the drive 100%.
I hope it goes by fast. I have like $10 worth of little snack packs of nuts.
Figured it was a good choice for energy.
Also some beef jerky.
And waaattteerrr.
I should be ok.
Bryzly knows I'm leaving and is actually kinda being sweet.
I hope I don't miss her too much.
If only I could get a move on with... you know... moving the fuck out of here.
Like, yesterday.
Or right now. But shit sucks and then you die.
I'll get to Boston eventually.
ANYWAYS I guess I should get going.
I need to get to Reekie so she can rub my back for me.
And my feet, that will be sore.
And she can play with my hair.
And let me sleep on a GOD DAMN bed.
And also cuddle me while I ramble on about nothing.
And also listen to me talk about Paolo.
And then go shopping with me for a ping pong paddle.
She doesn't know it, but I already have breath strips LOLOLOL
Ok I really need to eat something and finish and leave.
Have a great Thursday.
I'm gonna be driving through pretty much the entire Coyotes game
Will post when Reekie lets me on her computer. I hope. My password is all fucked.
I'll change it before I leave.
Otherwise there's always twitter
xoxoxoxo Alyeska
Hope the drive goes well for you, lovely! New adventures and happier times are ahead, we're all hoping for you! xx
Careful around the FT Hood area. Its a DANGER ZONE!