Meh im so tired of working it gets in the way of modeling or trying to become rich... I was told to try and online blog for extra cash via pay pal ... i done a few posts over different things (recipes and cleaning) and a friend told me about apparently i sell "gigs" idk it just doesnt seem like people pay that much attention to anyone thats not already noticed... speaking of which (people not getting noticed bc of other people) im really disappointed bc i did a set for the site called Zivity for a prize dealing with panties I was really excited to enter bc it was my first set back i took a break modeling bc of illness and it was doing really well i have of a hundred votes then bam! a popular model entered the same prize and took all the votes and won... now im not upset about the votes going only mostly to her but honestly there are others who needed the love too ... gah well enough of my ranting im just gonna play pokemon MMO and write another un noticed blog post and try and get more viewers ....
tootles <3
tootles <3


hope you're doing well

I'm really excited for May 10th to hurry and get here so I can see your new set on here!