life so fickle one day i can be stressed out and going crazy and the next i hear a song and engulf myself in a book project and im happy as a calm the day after calm day and crabdaddy's restaurant. oh and for everyone i now have long here which you can see here
im thinking about adding purple to it or maybe green or pink something bright

i guess some of my happiness can also be from my friends going on a boyfriend hunt for me with out even asking. lol i never how how awesome i could feel until seven guys show up to my house asking me out (lol of course i said no) i like being able to be myself and wild
yeah im a crazy ass hippy but ya gotta luv me for it LOL

well i guess ill get back to singing avril lavigne's smile very off key and writing a book that probably wont be anything other then a project oh and if you care to read heres a snippit from the project
"Most societies dont understand how they work. I think that we are not supposed to understand, which keeps us safe from the unknown". As she finished the last sentence on her last test for the semester, Gia knew she was going to get it marked wrong. She knew she should have answered the question Why should we learn of our societys government"? with an answer similar to so we know our role". She had spent the past few months learning about a society, even though she lived in, that she cared nothing about. Being raised the second to lowest class in the only world she knew, made Gia want to ignore the rules saying that all she could do was to work as a slave for others.
Gia turned in her paper to the professor that only paid her attention when her decided to torture her. Being the only lower class female in the school made her feel as if she had a target painted on her head in invisible paint that only the rich classes of people could see. None the less she held her head high as she dropped her test into the box on the professors desk. She knew she was going to be sent to the Dean if she failed this test but she didnt care. She didnt feel any of the answers were wrong and she would make that point as clear as possible to the dean. As she walked out the door, she knew that the test answers would be waiting for her at her dorm. Soon to follow would be a phone call from her parents upset like always that she was rebellious. The school was always good about telling on Gia before she even knew why. With eyes in every corner and ears in every crack she never got away with anything.
"you know im a crazy bitch but i do what i want when i feel like it ill i wanna do is lose control"
PS i officially hate my phone it took me 8 times and twenty minutes just to try to upload the pics ugh *throw down stairs then think oh shit my phone and ran after it*

i guess some of my happiness can also be from my friends going on a boyfriend hunt for me with out even asking. lol i never how how awesome i could feel until seven guys show up to my house asking me out (lol of course i said no) i like being able to be myself and wild

well i guess ill get back to singing avril lavigne's smile very off key and writing a book that probably wont be anything other then a project oh and if you care to read heres a snippit from the project
"Most societies dont understand how they work. I think that we are not supposed to understand, which keeps us safe from the unknown". As she finished the last sentence on her last test for the semester, Gia knew she was going to get it marked wrong. She knew she should have answered the question Why should we learn of our societys government"? with an answer similar to so we know our role". She had spent the past few months learning about a society, even though she lived in, that she cared nothing about. Being raised the second to lowest class in the only world she knew, made Gia want to ignore the rules saying that all she could do was to work as a slave for others.
Gia turned in her paper to the professor that only paid her attention when her decided to torture her. Being the only lower class female in the school made her feel as if she had a target painted on her head in invisible paint that only the rich classes of people could see. None the less she held her head high as she dropped her test into the box on the professors desk. She knew she was going to be sent to the Dean if she failed this test but she didnt care. She didnt feel any of the answers were wrong and she would make that point as clear as possible to the dean. As she walked out the door, she knew that the test answers would be waiting for her at her dorm. Soon to follow would be a phone call from her parents upset like always that she was rebellious. The school was always good about telling on Gia before she even knew why. With eyes in every corner and ears in every crack she never got away with anything.
"you know im a crazy bitch but i do what i want when i feel like it ill i wanna do is lose control"

PS i officially hate my phone it took me 8 times and twenty minutes just to try to upload the pics ugh *throw down stairs then think oh shit my phone and ran after it*

lol yes V you would be correct