my life is better now...
got our apt:check
wow oh wow i am happy
i miss my latest roomy thoe maybe time till be for us soon...
anyways hw and school is hard right now im tryin to motivate myself for that too well not too much to say jus got my internet to where i wanted it and it finnally works... tty guys later
got our apt:check
wow oh wow i am happy
i miss my latest roomy thoe maybe time till be for us soon...

anyways hw and school is hard right now im tryin to motivate myself for that too well not too much to say jus got my internet to where i wanted it and it finnally works... tty guys later

Good to see you finnaly got your internet working
your missed also but i am sure u agree its nice to have your bed and closet to ya damn self
we will figure something out and hopefully be able to go hoppin on saturday cause i know u wont be going out with tweedle dee and tweedle dumb on ur own and we need a night out anyways...who knows knowing our luck we will run into all shits and sorts of people

damn i can't wait to get out of this shithole town...jax will be better, no sucks i don't have a light in that room...that means i gotta buy lamps and xmas lights to string know i like it dark and stuff
you've done a good job on the apartment so far, keep it up
and i'll be there in a little less than 2 months