today i'd like to tell you all about Gobbles the pothead kitty!
he's the coolest cat i know! whenever you pull out a joint or start rolling one, he runs up and chills beside you and gets high. cigarettes really seem to confuse him though, but it's still super cute!
i've had a really shitty run lately. i've been sick, got better and then sick again. the Captain got laid off, so we're broke and the credit card companies have been harassing me. the bus strike's been on for almost two months and i finally got frostbite. Saturday was the worst. it was just too cold to walk the 2 hours to work! about a half hour into my walk i broke down in tears and ran o the nearest coffee shop to use the phone. they were really nice and even gave me free soy-hot chocolate. my friend rescued me and even agreed to drive me home. after my shift i came home to a locked apartment with my keys locked inside. 2 1/2 hours later the captain came home, and then just when i though everything would go back to normal, the shit hit the fan. the Captain and our roommate got in a huge fight complete with shiners, weapons, and cops. i was just so happy to see that day end! the next day it was like nothing had even happened, which was nice!
what a day!
in other news, Oz's adoption is finalized. they even changed his last name to an amalgamation of both of theirs. and he still has the same initials which i thought was cool
i've been pondering something for a while and i was hoping maybe to get some feedback. i've been vegan for about a year, vegetarian for about 2 years before that, and lately (past 3 month or so) m health has been terrible (fainting, colds, and general weakness). clearly i have the discipline to be vegan, but perhaps not to do so healthily ... when i had money it was easier, but now that i'm in a position where i can eat and maybe still afford rent, it's not been quite so simple to stay healthy ...
so my query is this: do you think i should give my veganism a break and go vegetarian for the sake of my health, or just try to find a better balanced vegan food plan?
well i'm off for now. FYI, my laptop doesn't have internet access anymore, so ii just sneak onto my boyfriend's copy whenever our roommate isn't using it. so that's why i haven't been around so much. luv you all, and take care. happy belated new year!

he's the coolest cat i know! whenever you pull out a joint or start rolling one, he runs up and chills beside you and gets high. cigarettes really seem to confuse him though, but it's still super cute!

i've had a really shitty run lately. i've been sick, got better and then sick again. the Captain got laid off, so we're broke and the credit card companies have been harassing me. the bus strike's been on for almost two months and i finally got frostbite. Saturday was the worst. it was just too cold to walk the 2 hours to work! about a half hour into my walk i broke down in tears and ran o the nearest coffee shop to use the phone. they were really nice and even gave me free soy-hot chocolate. my friend rescued me and even agreed to drive me home. after my shift i came home to a locked apartment with my keys locked inside. 2 1/2 hours later the captain came home, and then just when i though everything would go back to normal, the shit hit the fan. the Captain and our roommate got in a huge fight complete with shiners, weapons, and cops. i was just so happy to see that day end! the next day it was like nothing had even happened, which was nice!
what a day!

in other news, Oz's adoption is finalized. they even changed his last name to an amalgamation of both of theirs. and he still has the same initials which i thought was cool

i've been pondering something for a while and i was hoping maybe to get some feedback. i've been vegan for about a year, vegetarian for about 2 years before that, and lately (past 3 month or so) m health has been terrible (fainting, colds, and general weakness). clearly i have the discipline to be vegan, but perhaps not to do so healthily ... when i had money it was easier, but now that i'm in a position where i can eat and maybe still afford rent, it's not been quite so simple to stay healthy ...
so my query is this: do you think i should give my veganism a break and go vegetarian for the sake of my health, or just try to find a better balanced vegan food plan?
well i'm off for now. FYI, my laptop doesn't have internet access anymore, so ii just sneak onto my boyfriend's copy whenever our roommate isn't using it. so that's why i haven't been around so much. luv you all, and take care. happy belated new year!

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